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Edited 12/29/16

Carl showed us to our rooms, well cells actually. I'm so thankful Mr. Grimes let us stay here. We were almost out there for too long. It's safe here Aiden and I might actually be able to have lives here. It won't ever be how it was but for now I'm good just where I am.

Just thinking about being safe makes me feel guilty. If we didn't go to that store Asher would still be alive, we wouldn't have been chased into the woods and he wouldn't have died. Maybe Carl would have found us and we all could have come back here.

No stop thinking like that.

Asher told us to leave him, we had no other choice.

"Hey Ava." Carl spoke as he walked into my cell, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Hey." I stood from my uncomfortable mattress and walked towards my cell door where he was standing.

"You ready to meet everyone?" Carl asked. I immediately started smiling. I just couldn't help myself, being around more biters than people can really do somethin' to ya. Carl grabbed my hand and dragged me down the stairs. "I already introduced your brother to everyone, he already asked to help at the fences." Carl said with a smile plastered on his face.

"That sounds like him." I said laughing at the fact that my brother already wants to help this group. He always does stuff like this, he just always ready to help people.

"Everyone I'd like ya to meet Ava." Carl announced. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked to where we stood. "Come on Ava don't be shy." Carl said, pushing me closer to everyone.

"Uh... hi I'm Ava." I waved to everyone and most of them waved back and a few just smiled. I saw Carl smile and shake his head out of the corner of my eye. He took my arm and again dragged me towards the somewhat friendly looking strangers.

"Ava this is Beth, Maggie, and Hershel Greene." He told me. I smiled at them. They all seem pretty nice. He took me over to another group of people. "This is Glenn, He was the one by the gates earlier."

"Nice to see you again." Glenn told me.

"This is Daryl and Carol." Carl continued. I smiled but only the woman, Carol smiled back. Daryl just looked away. "You already know my dad." Carl said pointing at Rick. Rick waved to me and I waved back. "And this is Michonne." Michonne smiled slightly. "There are others in the D' and B' block too." Carl told me. "Oh, yeah and I almost forgot." Carl walked off into a cell. When he came back he held a baby girl in his arms. "This is my little sister Judith."

"Oh, my gosh can I hold her?" I've seen this baby once and I already love her.

"Sure." Carl said handing Judith over to me.

"How old is she?" I asked.

"A few months." Rick told me. He walked over to where I was standing with Judith. Rick leaned down and kissed her on her little head.

"She's adorable." I told Rick. He smiled at me then he left the cell block. I rocked little Judith in my arms. It's probably obvious that I never want to put her down. Everyone that was standing around to cell block went back to what they were doing before including Carl.

"She likes you." A blonde girl told me, I think her name was Beth. I smiled.

"You think so?" I asked.

"Yeah, usually she's not good with new people but she hasn't made a peep." Beth said.

"Well knock on wood." I told her. She laughed and looked around.

"I don't think there is any to knock on!" She exclaimed. I started laughing along with her. "Do you want to feed her for me?" Beth asked.

"Yes!" I was super excited I haven't even held a baby since this whole thing started. Beth gave me a bottle and I begin to feed the little baby.

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