Abandon all Hope

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There's nothing quite like the feeling of being hopeless, never going to be rescued, and most of all just plain depressed in a situation like this. I've tried desperately to send texts out to my parents, not to mention to Chloe and Warren too in case one of them is around nearby. I've had plans of taking whatever I can for a weapon and emerging into the broken hallways towards the boy's dorm to find Warren any anyone else who's still alive for that matter; but it's the panic of knowing that I can only screw up so many times before my powers stop working completely.

The afternoon sunlight filters in through my heavy curtains, lingering around in the stale air that circulates throughout my small room. The amount of heat that's building up inside this dry room is causing the photos I've taken to peel away from the wall and fall down the small crack between my bed and the wall. Memories of the past, slowly collecting dust one after the another as I watch the photo that Mr. Jefferson took of all of us peel away and join the others down at the bottom of my floor.

I've been running low on water, whereas food I only have stale noodles and a couple pop tart boxes left from when Chloe took me shopping two weeks ago. As for my weapon choices, I've narrowed it down to my guitar, a stray baseball bat that's underneath my small couch, and several sculpture tools that I have lying around from when I used to be heavily into art work. Mind you that was several years ago, I only packed them in case I was bored enough to start up that hobby again; I guess I did well, they look like they could gauge out some eyeballs and critically injure those things from a distance if thrown right.

I don't remember who the first one to get infected was, all I know is that it spread like wildfire starting at the other end of the hall and working its way down towards my door. Luckily for me, I was quick enough on picking up on the signs and I left my door locked at all times; not opening it for anybody. Of course with this rule I set for myself, I was blessed with the opportunity of hearing all of my friends scream and plead for mercy as they were torn apart by fellow students, that part wasn't so pleasant. I know a couple of them called out my name too before they were devoured, Alyssa was definitely one of them that I can remember vividly considering when I opened my door just a tiny crack to see if everything was clear, her body was slumped against the wall opposite to my door with her entrails dangling around on the floor, coated in her own blood with her eyes wide open. That image will never leave my mind for as long as I live; and judging by this, I don't think it'll be for too long either.

I open my closet door, grabbing whatever I can spare for clothes and quickly deciding on what to abandon and what to keep, eventually I settle for travelling light; the weight could wear me down and then what? I'd die. Carefully, I close my door in case there's any lurking outside my dorm and are attracted to the noise, I did a little experimenting a couple days ago, I'd strum on my guitar and they'd all scatter towards my room, snarling and scratching at the door with inhuman actions. Not to mention during the rush of when everybody fled, someone left a radio on and it must have died out by now because all I can hear is the slight static from down the hall towards Victoria's section of the dorms.

Everything's just been a blur for me; nobody really had a chance to do anything really. Once the news got out that something wasn't right in the world; people started to panic. The last text I received from Chloe was of her telling me to stay put and that she was on her way to get me; but that was sent about four days ago when the towers were still up and running. I've witnessed a few satellites come crashing down into the ground recently as well outside of Blackwell, everything's failing and soon we won't have any way to communicate with anyone other than finding them physically. Of course I still hope that Chloe's okay, but I'm also starting to think that I'll have to get myself out of this mess alone.

I quickly gaze around my small room one last time, I've practically lived in here for a good few months, sometimes I'd sneak Chloe in to escape David's irrational behavior too; and since he never really sets foot in the girl's dorm, everything worked out better than expected. I take a few of the sculpting tools and loop them around my jean's belt loop, throwing on my leather shoulder bag and grabbing the baseball bat and guitar by the neck. I know with the guitar I'll only have a few good whacks in it before it splinters away into nothing, but if I salvage it properly I can use bits of the metal to ram inside their eye sockets to reach the brain faster. Boy, to think this is what the world has come to.

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