Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen


~Harry’s POV~

“Can we go now? Can we go now? Can we? Huh? Huh?!” Niall begged, jumping around

“Would you give us some time to get our stuff ready? We just got in the door” Liam chuckled

“I’m done and I want to go!!!” Niall protested

“Someone take the poor leprechaun out of his misery and drop him off at the hospital” Louis suggested

“No, he can wait, we all want to say good night to her” Liam said, spitting out his tongue

“Well, I’m pretty much ready, so why don’t I drive with Niall there now and you meet us there?” I suggested

“Please!!!!” Niall begged

“Fine, go” Liam smirked, rolling his eyes at Niall’s child-like begging.

“Yay!!!!” Niall cheered, practically running out of the flat and down the stairs, I actually had to struggle to keep up with him.

“Geez, Niall, don’t break the door” I laughed, watching him practically rip off the car door

“Step on it!” He shouted

“The car isn’t even started yet; calm your nipples, leprechaun!”  I teased

“Why are you so damn slow!?” he pouted in frustration

“I am not” I said

“You are so!” he whined

“Keep it up and I’ll drive slower than a grandma” I threatened

“You mean your last date” he muttered, desperately trying to hold back his hysterical laughter

“Oh come on, mate! You’re really going to go there!” I said, trying to hold back laughter of my own, “That joke is getting old!”

“Have you seen some of the fan’s edits on twitter?” he laughed

“Yeah, they are kind of funny; not true, but funny” I admitted

“Yeah” he agreed with a smile, “Hey, could you, ya’ know, hurry it up” he complained

“Yeah, but then I’d probably crash and we’d get a VIP ride to the hospital” I chuckled

“…Hmm….” He teased

“No, I’m not crashing so we’ll get there faster” I smirked

“Fine, but step on it, grandHARRY” he laughed

“That one wasn’t even funny” I said rolling my eyes

“It was and you know it!” he laughed, poking my dimples

Niall’s incessant, puppy-like begging was kind of irritating, but I will give him this much: that boy really does love Brielle. I’ve never seen two people love each other the way they love each other, especially now, not Louis and El, or Zayn and Perrie, or Liam and Danielle, or even Jack and Rose from Titanic at this point! She needs him… I know she does, I can see it in her eyes, I guess part of me just still wishes someone needed me like that too…


~Brielle’s POV~

I was in the middle of, well, nothing when my phone beeped; it was a text from Niall which I quickly opened with a smile on my face:

“Hey, beautiful! I’m on my way there with Hazza! I can’t wait to see your beautiful smile! Be there soon! I love you!”

I smiled at my phone and started getting overly excited that I would be seeing them again soon! It’s only been about three hours away from them, but it felt like an eternity! I truly felt horrible for their poor fans! How do they feel this all the time?! I also felt horrible because it’s partially my fault they haven’t been doing meet and greets or concerts lately… No wonder they all hate me, I’d hate me too.

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