"So, you seem to have it all" she tried for conversation.

"What do you mean?"

"Well for starters, your father is one of the most respected business man around. He's rich, which makes you rich as well. You have a major in both business and engineering, you're pretty hot. And all of the above makes you a chick magnet. Nothing could possibly be wrong with your perfect life."

"Perfect? Is that what you call it? Not every cover tells the full story of the book."

The waitress arrived with the food and he took it as the ultimate excuse to distract himself from the topic.

"So what are you hobbies?" he asked while scooping a bite from his plate.

"Accounting and organizing."

"Haha I didn't ask what your job is. I asked what you do for fun."

"Accounting and organizing" she responded.

Dimitri raised his thick dark eyebrows.

"Hmm that's it? Nothing outdoors? Any games?"

"Sudoku. I play Sudoku."

"Really? That's it?"

"Yes what were you expecting?"

He paused for a moment "A bit more fun."

She chuckled "Okay, okay I go to clubs occasionally."

"Better" he smiled.

"So tell me. About that guy you were talking about that you ran off with. When was the last time you've seen him?"

She choked slightly on the wine she'd just sipped.

"Um, a while. Ever since he'd left me."

"So he hadn't called or anything since?"

"I don't want to talk to him. He left me."

"Hmm. Don't you get lonely at times with no one around?"

"Yes but I have my ways of solving it."

"Is that so? I would like to know of these ways" his eyes darkened.

Rebecca took another sip of wine.
"Are we going to talk about sex?"

'I don't know. Are we?" his lips shifted up into a small smile.

"Well, if I'm dating, I only permit sexual activity on two special occasions per year with my partner between the hours of 8pm to 1am. If you miss those days and the hours, then better luck next year."

Dimitri's eyes widened and his lips parted open. His brows then creased into confusion and he stared at her.

"Wait what? Only twice a year. And what's with the timing?"

"Yes, my body needs time to recover from the disgust. I'm busy most of the day with work and I don't go to bed later than 1am. I need my beauty sleep. I won't look this good if I didn't get my rest. Besides, I find a greater deal of enjoyment pleasuring myself than having another attempt to."

He rested his fork down and ran his hand through his hair.

"Wow" he blinked frantically. What about if your partner gets in the mood more often?"

"Then he can learn to wait. The mind is quite a powerful tool. Then to the upside, delayed gratification. It's ever so much more pleasing."

"Hmm I see" he croaked.

"I'm full" she said resting her fork down on her plate.


"No thanks, I'll pass."

My Boss's SonWhere stories live. Discover now