My Mockingbird

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(This is a song for my dearest and closest friend Titash Mehr Reza. thethingummything, Now estranged. I love you my dear an am your humble admirer. Now and forever. *clears throat dramatically*)

An orange glow alights upon
Your eyelids tightly drawn
Like shutters on the windows to your soul
Or so they say as see they may
Can not see the light that lies asleep.
To see that is the bliss of affection upon those
Who you chose to lay your gaze
Burn away the prose of dreary days.

They say you are cynical they call you unsocial
To be honest you fit those sayings well
But their crime is to be, quite appallingly aphasial.
I say is it the obeisance of the world
The price on the priceless sound of your heart
That you blare when you plug your ears and sing out loud
The voice of a million angel choirs
That world with passion burns about you

They burn with your voice, when your choir chorus lingers
They burn with the swift plays of your fingers
As they touch with ethereality on the keys
Of a piano made of black and white. Days and night
They burn with your passion till the skeletons
In every closet breath alive and dance upon
The sleeves of the unsung mankind

And when asked where heaven lies, I answer
With a touch of pride,
'Tis where I am united with she,
Who changed the unchanging me
And my broken heart will heal my voice
As our music will touch the chord of reminiscence
My strings and her keys, in perfect harmony
Will breath life to a song of incandescence
But in the end. The sun, the day the light is all her
And I will forever remain a viewer, worshipper, admirer

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