I started to get a little embarrassed during the dance when Mommy & Daddy would walk around the gym, holding hands & smiling at each other. They weren't like making out, but Daddy kissed Mommy's cheek or forehead a lot. I saw some kids mouths fall open when they did that. I saw teachers watching them in awe. It was making me uncomfortable & I wanted the dance to be over. At one point, Mommy & Daddy were even dancing off to the side of the room, when a slow song came on. One of them would keep an eye on the kids that they were chaperoning, while the other one buried their face in their neck. I wasn't even having fun, to be honest. When Daddy dipped Mommy, I just rolled my eyes while all the women in the room made an "awww" sound. I couldn't stop watching them, though. I was scared of what they might do next.

After a minute, Mommy had her arms around Daddy's neck, pretty tight & she put their cheeks together while they danced

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After a minute, Mommy had her arms around Daddy's neck, pretty tight & she put their cheeks together while they danced. She saw me watching them & puckered her lips, then laughed. I think they enjoyed teasing me & making my life miserable.

Jerry came over to me & snapped his fingers in front of my face. "Why do you keep watching mom & dad? Go out there & dance, Mercy."

"All the kids are watching them. They are being so gross with the kissing & dancing. I'm gonna get made fun of." I sighed, looking at Jerry out of the corner of my eye.

He laughed & motioned around the room. "No one is watching our parents, Mercy. Everyone is having fun, except you."

"I keep seeing kids cringe whenever Daddy kisses Mommy's cheek."

"Whatever. Who cares what they think? You said it yourself that our parents are cute & we're lucky they like each other. So many parents fight all the time or spend so much time apart that they don't get to do anything fun with their kids. We are lucky. I see that & I know you see that. Our parents are the best & you need to be grateful for them, including when they embarrass you. I mean look how Dad looks at Mom. It's like no one else is in the room." Jerry motioned to where Mommy & Daddy were & I had to admit, they looked so happy. Daddy was watching Mommy as he sipped fruit punch & she was keeping an eye on the kids. He had a tiny smile on his face, like he knew a secret that no one else did. Okay, it was cute. My parents could be cute. I should just ignore the fact that they're here & go have fun.

"Okay, I'll go talk to my friends, Andi & Raine." I smirked at him, then walked toward my friends. They were the only girls in my class that seemed real & didn't seem like they talked about me behind my back. Andi saw me & waved. "Hey, guys." I said as I got closer to them.

"Hi, Mercy. We're having a snack, then we're going to go dance some more. Want to come with us?" Raine asked.

"Sure." I said, looking around & trying not to look at my parents.

"Your mom & dad are so cute. They look like they would be a lot of fun." Andi commented before she drank her punch.

"Yea, they are fun. I just wish they'd stop kissing." I rolled my eyes.

ForeverLasting (Book 10 in Nemi Forever Series)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu