“Good morning, I have an order for three teas and three BLT sandwiches”

“Yeah, for all three of us. Thanks” Micky responded, he still hadn’t caught on. Even with Greg giggling his pants off, almost.

“Say, cutie. You got a girlfriend?” I purred in the accent.

“Yeah, I do. She’s called Ella”

“Is she pretty?”

“She’s beautiful. She’s also the love of my life and I don’t want to lose her, ever” He responded. I swear my heart fluttered like crazy. This was too cute for his own liking.

“May I see what she looks like?” He pulled out his phone and showed me a picture of me. I tried ever so hard not to just burst with laughter but it was so damn hard. I looked over my shoulder and saw May, in fits of laughter and it nearly set me off but I remained cool.

“Sir, do you need a cooling pack or something. You look really red” I asked Greg, he really did look red.

“No thanks, I’m good. Just need a wee though so I’ll be back,” Greg said as he exited the booth. Micky was still smiling over the photo of me.

“Say, sir. She looks really familiar to someone I know,” I said looking over Micky’s shoulder at my picture.

“You know my girlfriend?” Micky asked stunned. I was her, obviously I knew her, you dimwit.

“I am her” I responded. I hope he caught on.

“My girlfriend doesn’t have a country girl voice. I would know my own girlfriend” He responded a bit shell-shocked.

“Micky, it is me. I’m Ella. I was playing you for a fool, I’m the reason Greg’s laughing like a lunatic. He caught on before you or Dan. Come to think of it, you or Dan still hasn’t caught on” I responded in my normal voice. These two are a bunch of idiots. I swear, they’ve yet to catch on.

“If you’re my real girlfriend, when’s my birthday? My mum and dad’s name? -“ I cut him off and responded.

Our birthday is August 25, your mum and dad are called Steve and Carol, you have a brother called Matthew. My mum and dad are dicks, I live with two of my best friends, my third best friend is being a bitch, and yesterday she and I had it out. On your doorstep. Greg’s dating Maria; Rachel’s pregnant with Ben’s baby. And Lottie’s doing god knows what. I also have a brother called Dale, who is two years younger than I am”

“Ok, you really are my girlfriend. Now, why did you pretend to be a country girl?”

“It was funny; I still can’t believe neither of you two caught on. Seriously, Greg caught on as I spoke. Hence why he was red in the face”

“OH! I feel like such a dummy now,” Micky said sighing. I just burst out laughing.

“Glad, you think so baby. Now, I gotta get back to work, enjoy your meal” I said mimicking the country voice yet again. As I walked away, Micky wrapped his arms around my waist and begun twirling me around. It was embarrassing but it was good. Everyone was looking at us as if we were stupid but all had happy looks on their faces. It was weird.

“Alright, famous boy, you put my worker down now before I brandish you with the mop”

“May, how are you? I haven’t seen you in a while,” Micky said while putting me down. He knew not to mess with May; May can get violent although, I knew she was only joking.

“I don’t feel so good,” I murmured. Everything was spinning, literally. It was dizzy and felt unsteady. I didn’t like this.

“Micky, help me” I whispered vaguely. Everything went black after that.

Micky’s POV

I felt Ella tug at my sleeves, something wasn’t right. A second later, nothing was there. I looked round and saw Ella lay on the floor motionless. Oh god, this didn’t look good.

“Ella, baby,” I said as I scrambled down on the floor next to her. I didn’t like this, she was dying, I knew it.

“May, please phone an ambulance. Ella’s unconscious,” I said while trying to keep calm. I kept taking deep breaths to remain calm but it wasn’t working. I was frantically worrying. This wasn’t good, I could tell it wasn’t.

   I was holding her hand, all the way through this. I couldn’t lose my baby. I’ve already lost her once, I couldn’t handle it a second time, forever this time.

“Dan, I’m scared. I can’t lose her,” I murmured into his shirt. I still never let her hand go, I didn’t want to believe she was gone, she had to live. I needed her to live.

“Mick, she’s still got a pulse, a weak one, yes but it’s still there. Mick, she’ll get through this. She’ll beat cancer and you two will be able to live until you’re both oldies,” Dan said comforting me. I knew he was right with her pulse but I was still scared. I had all these plans in my head for us, I just couldn’t lose her. I let the tears flow, on to Dan’s shirt. I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I was scared and there was no doubt about that. She’s my everything.

   The paramedics arrived and got her in the ambulance. I was allowed with her but no one else was. I needed my best friends. I needed the comfort of them. I was lonely, I was lost and I was scared. This wasn’t good.

“Get a hold of Maria and the rest of them. Meet us at the hospital. They’ll know what hospital. I’ll get a hold of my parents and Ella’s. I’ll see you there guys,” I said as I climbed in after the paramedics. This was going to be a bumpy road.

   Everyone arrived at the hospital, her parents and brother included. Well, I say everyone. Lottie still hadn’t appeared. I guess she really doesn’t like Ella anymore. My mum was hugging me like crazy, I was still crying because I can’t lose her, not after two weeks together. She’s meant to have six months to live, that gives us to August time, if her treatment doesn’t work. It’s way too early. She has to survive.

“Ella Montgomery’s family?” The doctor came out and said.

“Whatever needs to be said, you can say it front of us all. These are Ella’s friends and second family and boyfriend” Ella’s dad, Austin said. Glad he was being nice for once.

“Well, unfortunately there’s some bad news. Your daughter is - “ 

A/n: - 

Sorry for leaving it on a cliffhanger but I wanted to be mean for a change :3 sorry if it was rushed too but I'm having a tough time right now, unfortunately. I got my letter through for therapy and I'm having to decide between 1:1 therapy or group therapy but I'm a shy person and I'm prone to panic attacks and I'm scared. But everyone's telling me 1:1 therapy and idk what to do. 

Anyhoo, I hope you enjoy and if you liked it vote, if not, sorry. I try my best at writing and I know I'm not the best writer in the world but I try :) and thanks you for over 3000 reads :) 

Oh and there will be no updates next week, maybe depending on how much pain I'm in from getting this tooth removed. I also found a new song for this story and I can't find it now :( when I find it, I'll post it :) I'm gonna stop rambling now lol. ENJOY xD 

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