chapter 1

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Rodney Black was announced dead today. Cherry and Katie weren't sure if it were true or just another scheme. Rodney had fooled them before as Wadsworth the butler in Hill House and again after he got out of the hospital after Gerald McKean, once known as Mr. Green on that mystery evening, had shot him and injured him, forcing him into a wheelchair. Rodney had also worked for Arthur Slugworth, who Katie was in war with the man, even if she didn't really know him, but Willy had always warned her about him.

"Thanks for offering to take her out, Cherry," Willy smiled to his wife's best friend/sister. "Katie's been shaken up ever since she read in the paper about the death of Rodney Black."

"I can't blame her," Cherry said softly. "He made her more miserable than the rest of us. How are the triplets?"

"They should be fine, I'll take care of them tonight, hopefully they'll do alright without their mommy."

"Mind if I come see them?"

"Not at all, go get Katie too while you're there, she's probably stalling..."

Cherry nodded, then walked into the part of the factory which was converted into a nursery for Cocoa, Beanie, and Nutty, Katie and Willy's children.

Katie was indeed with them, she looked badly shook up. "How about another game, sweeties?"

The kids looked worried for their mother, but smiled as they saw a familiar face. "Aunty Cherry!" They ran to the woman who was not biologically their aunt, but still close enough.

"Hey, kiddo's," Cherry smiled down to them, holding them all in a small hug as she narrowed down to their height. "How's it goin'?"

"Mommy's acting funny..." one of the girl triplets with Willy's light-brown hair pointed to the distressed Katie.

Cherry frowned. "Well, don't worry... I'll be taking her out tonight... You're gonna stay here with your Daddy."

"Can't we come too?" the boy, Beanie, pouted.

"I'm sorry, kids, but this is just for grown-ups, we'll all go out together sometime soon, I promise," Cherry patted her 'nephew' on his black with slight purple head.

"Okay..." the triplets sighed.

Cherry walked over to her poor friend. "You okay, Kat?"

"Huh?" Katie blinked her blue eyes rapidly. "Oh, I-I'm fine, Nee-Bear... I-I just..."

"You're coming with me..." Cherry took Katie's hand to get her out of the factory. "Good night, kids! Good night, Willy!"

Willy waved to them as they left and decided to settle the kids.

Cherry took Katie to one of their favorite places to dine and just hang-out together. Cherry had her usual grilled chicken sandwich with lettuce and mayonaise with cries while Katie just had a steak and some water.

"Katie, why are you so worked up over a guy who just caused us trouble and pain?" Cherry asked as she cut her sandwich in half to eat one slice, some fries, and if she got too full, save the rest for later.

"Because..." Katie replied softly. "I-I-It might be a hoax... What if he faked his death and he's trying to be someone else again...? He killed his own butler and lied to us about having a suicidal wife..."

"That's true..." Cherry said softly. "There is someone we could ask though to see if the death is true or not..."

Katie looked at her Nee-Bear. "Who?"

"Forte, who else?"

"How would he know?"

"He told me that he's acquired supernatural powers after he received the gift and curse of immortality. He could sense Dorothy dying before she actually did die. He told me that he could bring her back for me, but I wanted her to actually die in peace, because she was so terribly sick the last few times I saw her before she eventually passed away."

"Do you think Maestro could tell us if Rodney is dead?"

"No harm in trying... Forte's always helped me out like that."

"O-Okay..." Katie was still shaken up about Rodney's death being evident or not.

The two girls kept eating and trying to switch to other topics. Katie had always told Cherry not to get too upset or worried too much or else she might make herself sick. Katie eventually told Cherry that the triplets were being home educated by the Oompa Loompa's and were eating vitamins for meals other than endless candy and 'disgusting vegetables' as she and Willy put it. Cherry saw Katie was worried and they decided to see Forte as they were still having a girls' night out.

A woman at the bar was reading the article in the paper about the death of Rodney Black. She lowered the paper and revealed she had bouncy blonde hair with sunglasses and was wearing a mysterious and floppy hat with a blue dress and blue pointed heels. She seemed to had been watching Cherry and Katie as she read the newspaper with a deep scowl.

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