5 [I Need You]

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[Chapter Preview]

"Shino? Are you alright?" I heard a familiar voice call as they tackled me into a hug. I patted the shaggy hair, realizing that it was just Sosuke, and buried my face into his shoulder. 

"No, take me home So, please..." I held onto his neck as he picked me up. Still not looking up from his shoulder, I felt the familiar sturdy hands of So holding me close, listening to the heavy footsteps of Sosuke, Kohungo, and Genpaichi as they made their way out of the grove.

All I wanted to do was go home.

I released my body's strength in Sosuke's arms, letting myself be carried, burying my face into his neck. I relished in the warmth radiating from him, not caring where we were, just wanting to be in Sosuke's arms. 

"Shino, you are going to be fine, I won't let him go near you again." I could practically hear the scowl form on his face, turning to his voice. Genpaichi and Kobungo agreed to meet us at the hotel down the road from where we were slowly walking to.

I released a tensing grip around Sosuke's neck that I realized was getting too tight by the sound of him grunting from lack of air. The gentle rocking from his every step slowly pushed me into a tired trance, heaving my heavy eyes closed and falling asleep.

[Sosuke Quick POV]

While walking, I glanced down at Shino's slightly bouncing body and felt the slow rise and fall of his chest from my hand placed on the small of his back. The comforting feeling Shino gave off made me smile. I told Genpaichi and Kobungo to meet us at the hotel so I could take my time in comforting Shino.

Thinking back at the earlier incident made me cringe. I shouldn't have left Shino to himself. I reached the hotel within minutes, carrying the sleeping Shino to our room. Kobungo and Genpaichi already claimed one of the two rooms inside the rather large hotel room. I walked into the other room and laid Shino gently on the pure sheets. Changing him into some pajamas I remembered to pack when bringing them more supplies.

I looked at Shino's neck while laying him inside the covers, noticing tiny red bite-like marks on his skin. I scowled and quickly turned away. I don't want to wake up Shino. 

Ao, that bastard. He will never touch the person I love ever again!

[Shino's POV]

I woke up covered in the morning light and white blankets. The familiar smell of food wafted through the air. "Sosuke?" I called out. 

"Yes, Shino?" Sosuke's form rose from the bed beside mine and started to change into his usual uniform. 

"Nevermind," I said rolling over, trying to cover my burning face. I had caught a glance at Sosuke's slightly defined abs. I did not know he had those...... but they look so good. I blushed at the thought of myself laying on Sosuke's bare chest and feeling his heartbeat.

I felt a pat on my head. "If you're awake, why don't we head to breakfast with Kobungo and Genpaichi?" Sosuke said warmly. I nodded and rolled out of the warm cave of blankets.

"Yeah, we should eat, I'm starving!" I say enthusiastically with a smile. Sosuke chuckled. "Yes, yes. Let's go Shino." He replied after I had gotten dressed.

We both left our room and headed for the dining room where Kobungo and Genpaichi already sat eating rice out of ceramic bowls with intricate designs painted on them.

They seemed to be in mid-conversation about something. I sat down at one side of the table and clapped my hands excitedly. "Idatakemasuda!" I began eating. So did Sosuke. "So what are we going to do about your Shadow, Sosuke? Ao?" Kobungo spoke up first.

I paused, my chopsticks holding a piece of meat in it in front of my open mouth. Sosuke noticed and his face turned solemn. I looked at Sosuke and shrugged, shoving the piece of meat into my mouth and chewing slowly.

"I'm sure if we don't leave Shino on his own again, he will less likely show up," Sosuke said with a smile. Kobungo nodded. 

Genpaichi stayed silent, deep in thought about the situation at the hand. "Let's leave Shino in Sosuke's care. He knows how to deal with Shino way more than the rest of us." "I think that's for the best," Sosuke replied looking at me. 



[Shino POV]

Kobungo and Genpaichi decided to take the early train back to the capital. Sosuke told me that he wanted me to rest as much as I could since I was still shaken up from the Ao incident.

I flopped on the king-size bed and sighed. "What's the matter Shino?" Sosuke looked up from the book he was reading in a chair on the other side of the room. "Will you lay with me?"

Sosuke chuckled, "Sure." He got up from his chair, setting down the book and climbing onto the bed with me. I stared at his face. "Are you okay Shino?"

I shook my head in response and cuddle next to him, resting my head on his open arm. He pulled me close. "Whatever it is Shino, it's okay. I'm here for you. I need you."

Sosuke's words echoed in my mind making my eye tear up. I squeezed him close as he did the same. "I need you too, Sou."

"Shino...... there's something I need to tell you," he said pulling my face so that our eyes met.

"What?" Confusion filled my brain as possible sentences of him scolding me or telling me horrible news flood into my mind.

"Shino, I.... love you. More than a brother."

"I love you as my lover."

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