1 [I'm not a 'Small' Child!]

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"HAAAH!?" The sun was heading towards the horizon of the skies when a conversation between Genpaichi and Sosuke started to get serious. They had been arguing about who I was going to stay with for the time being. Sosuke stated that he was leaving and Shino needing a babysitter, causing Genpaichi to suddenly yelled at Sosuke, "You baby Shino too much!" 

I dropped my chopsticks on the table and stared at both of them with an awkward look planted on my face. "W-what are you talking about?" I said nonchalantly, waving my hand.

I had previously tried my hardest to stay out of their arguments, seeing as I didn't mind either way and tried focusing on the newspaper in my hands that was announcing the recent murders, and a local village just a few miles north of the Capital. When I heard Genpaichi say this, I was kind of confused. 'Does Sosuke baby me?'

"Shino? Who would you like to stay with?"
I looked over to see Sousuke staring at me intently. I would rather stay with Sousuke, but I remembered a conversation I had with Kobungo.


"Shino, you are such a baby," Kobungo said randomly when, once again, they were eating. 

"Shut up Kobungo! I am not!" 

"You see Shino, you wouldn't know if you were acting like a kid or not, because you don't pay attention to the way you talk. You always whine and pretend to be helpless in front of Sosuke."

I crossed my arms and clicked my tongue "Tch!"

"Did you really "Tch" at me? I told you that you act like a small kid who doesn't get their way," Kobungo said crossing his arms in response.

"Don't call me small!" I cried, getting up and running through the open door yelling, "Idiot!" As I went, slamming the door behind me.

~End of FlashBack~

"Um, I think I'll stay over at the Inn. I need to start taking care of myself, and you need to go back to the main church with Rio," I started nervously. 'I need to stay strong and hope he doesn't question me, I thought to myself as sweat started to bead on my forehead. I wouldn't want Sosuke to find out about me feeling too babied.'

"I don't want you to be left alone Shino. Why don't you come with me?"
The other truth is, not only do I want to fend for myself a little more, I need to start investigating Sosuke's 'shadow' Ao.

"I'll be fine So," I said reassuringly. "I won't be alone. I'll be waiting for you when you come back."

"Are you sure this is what you want, Shino?" Sosuke asked, holding out a concerned hand towards me. 

"I'm sure, Sosuke, you have work to do and I can't go with you, remember?" I sighed. I thought about my first attempt to wander about the Main church and getting attacked by a big breasted old lady with blond hair.

Sosuke sighed. "I guess you're right." With a slight mumble, he added, "You are eighteen Afterall, even if you don't look it." 

 "Genpaichi. Can I trust you'll keep an eye on Shino while I'm away? We don't know when that man who calls himself my shadow might appear again." 

Ao. He has stolen our beads from my pockets plenty of times and seems infatuated with me for some reason. He seems to have a little obsession towards me.

"Of course, Sosuke!" Genpaichi saluted Sosuke. "I'll keep a sharp eye on him." 

The next morning, Sosuke woke up an hour earlier than usual to get his bags packed and ready for the long trip that awaited him. I awoke to the sound of him rustling through his things. 

"Sous..uke?" I called, groggy with sleep. "Yes, yes. You can go back to sleep now Shino," he replied, gently pulling the futon covers back to my chin. 

"Okay..." I replied. I watched him walk out of the door and gently close it before I fell back asleep.

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