uno: madrid - barcelona

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"Call me as soon as you land, okay?"

Before Isco could reply, his mother already had him in a death grip. "And be polite! I don't want to get a call from you telling me that your host family kicked you out because you were rude."

Isco smiled and pulled away from his mother, "Don't worry, mama. I'll be fine." he told her before moving on to his dad who gave him a hug. 

"Be careful and don't get anyone pregnant." he said.

Isco rolled his eyes and pulled away from him, "This is ridiculous," he said before picking up his backpack from the floor. "I'll see you in 3 months!" he said excitedly before racing towards the gate.


Della looked up from her book and at her mom who was running around the living room to move things around.

"Now, Della," she breathed out, "I want you to be extra polite to this boy. He's from Madrid which means no snide comments, okay?"

Della scrunched up her nose and closed her book before placing it on the coffee table. "Where is he going to stay?" she asked. 

Her mother stopped fixing things around the living room and looked at her, "He'll be staying in your brother's old room. If he needs anything, you help him."

Della's eldest brother, Mateo, had left for college earlier in the year which left an extra room for the exchange student. Still, Della didn't understand why her mother offered up their house for one of the students to stay in since she had her hands full with her and her other brother already.

Della got pulled out of her thoughts when the doorbell rang. Her mother sprang up and ran towards the door before excitedly opening it, "Francisco! It's so nice to meet you, come on in."

Della stood up and smoothed down her shirt before standing up to go meet 'Francisco'. "Thank you, Mrs. Fernandez," she heard him say. "And you can call me Isco, it's fine."

Della briefly heard her mother telling Isco to tell him to call her Maria instead. "Come here, you should meet my daughter."

Her mother walked back into the living room with the boy behind her. Her eyes widened upon seeing him - he didn't look the way she expected him to. She expected a geeky guy with huge nerd glasses and a thousand books under his arm but instead she saw a cute guy with a football tucked under his arm.

"Della, come say hi to Isco." her mother said with a smile. 

Della walked over to the two of them and shook Isco's hand politely. "Nice to meet you," she said quietly.

Isco felt his breath hitch in his throat as he looked at Della. Her dark hair was tied into a loose fishtail braid down her back and she somehow looked effortlessly beautiful. "It's nice to meet you too." he smiled awkwardly before shaking her hand.

At that moment, Della's other older brother, Diego, came bounding down the stairs happily. "HEY! You're here!" Diego smiled before giving Isco a fist bump. "I'd really like to get to know you and everything but my girlfriend's waiting for a date."

Isco shook his head, "It's fine, we can talk later."

Diego shot him another grin before ruffling Della's hair - much to her complaint - and said goodbye to their mother before running out the door.

"Della, why don't you show Isco to his room." her mother said. Della nodded and grabbed her book before motioning for Isco to follow her. Isco shot one last smile at her mother and followed Della up the stairs.

Della pushed open to a door on one side of the hallway and led Isco inside. The room was painted dark blue and had a few posters on the walls. It looked a little bit like his room back at home - but instead of Real Madrid posters, FC Barcelona ones decorated the walls.

"This was my other brother's old room," Della said as Isco set his suitcase and backpack down. "I'll let you unpack, if you need anything just tell me." she told him before leaving the room. 

"Thanks!" Isco called out before unpacking with a smile on his face.


Della glanced at Isco who walked down the stairs with his Real Madrid football tucked under his arm again. He shot a small smile at Della and then walked over to her mother.

"Hey, Mrs. Fer - I mean - Maria," he said awkwardly, making Della stifle her giggle. "I was wondering if there was a park nearby?" he asked.

"Yeah, there's one just a few blocks away," she said cheerfully before pointing at Della. "Della can take you."


whOOPS i started a new story :x

so this will be like an isco au where they're high school students and he signs up for the exchange program yadda yadda yadda

and i know isco's not actually from madrid but let's just say that he is in this story bc it will play a kinda big part in his character

anyway this is just the first chapter!! hope you guys liked it :)

(+) dedicated to the popo squad bc 💞💞💞💞💞😘

happy reading lovelies!xx

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