I love you

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You told me that
You'd lay down your life for me

You told me that
You'd fight to protect me

You told me that
If I ever went missing
You would search for me
Day and night
Until you found me

You told me that
You take a bullet to the heart for me

You told me that
You'd sail the seven seas for me

You told me that
If I ever needed anything
I could call on you
Anytime, anyplace
No matter what

Now, as I see your tears
Drop all over my bloody face
I never got the chance
To tell you that;

If you died
Then I would die as well
Because I ant live without you

When you're fighting
I would fight beside you

I would walk a thousand miles
To see your face again

I would take a dagger to my heart
Just for you

I'd travel the world
Just for you

I would be there for you
Anytime, anyplace
No matter what

As my heart slowly stops beating
I remember to whisper to you
The three words you've always said to me

My vision slowly turns to black
Your mourning is the last thing I hear
Your crying face is the last thing I see

I love you. . .

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