People like you

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(This is part of a story that I'm writing)

"It's despicable
To see how people treat you."

You looked at me
Eyes wide in bewilderment
I gave no mercy
As I went on to speak

"Just because you're royalty
Doesn't mean that
You're less of a human

You're treated with such respect
That is never given
To a simple worker
You are looked upon highly
While a simple shopkeeper
Is looked upon as a low life
Who deserves nothing more
Than to be treaded upon

You act all high and mighty
Looking down at others
Who try to humble themselves
You are blessed
With all these pleasures
But you scoff
And wave it off
Like it's nothing
To e thankful for

It's people like you
Who I despise the most."

You bowed your head
To my harsh words
I placed a hand on your cheek
And made you look at me

"And yet, I pity you
People like you
Dream of the free done
That people like me
Have all access to

People like you
Are confined in chains
Which can never be broken
Bo matter how hard you tried

People like you
Are never loved truly
Not by society
Neither by your own family."

I brought you into an embrace
As I caressed your hair softly
And whispered in your ear,

"People like you
Have tried to break
The chains that bind you
But have lost hope
In doing so

People like you
Don't even know
What love is
Because you've never loved
Neither have you been loved."

You slowly hugged me back
Returning my intense embrace
The words you whispered in my ear
Took me by surprise;

"I might not know
What love is
But if it is the emotion
That I am feeling for you now
Then you can surely say
That I have loved before."

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