Chapter 11.

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Chapter 11.

Their week passed with a lot of fun; organizing and arrivals of orders placed at the beginning of the week. Aidan chosen a contractor and they had been told it would be a 6 week job. Quality assured and they had all checked the company references. Even visiting an Estate a few hours away to see their handiwork and been very impressed with what they saw.

Ciara found it hard not to look most days but didn't want to get in their way either, then in the evenings they tended to forget, finding pleasure alone in their rooms after an enjoyable dinner. Time soon came around for the brothers and new family members to depart for their homes. Andrew with Gao, accompanied by Conor and Caitlyn. They too had a trip to make back to Ciaras home to tidy up there before having her fully resettled in their home before their twins arrived.

They headed back to the Castle to see family before they all had to leave, wanting to make sure all was well and that they would all visit on their way back from their own trip. Despite being happy about seeing her family again, she was also sad that it would be a while before they'd get to see them again. They would all soon have their hands full with their two sons, so life would be full and fun.


The next few days flew by and soon the wolves had to return home. Saying goodbye was sad. Aidan and Layton hugged their new sisters and told them that they were so happy to have them in their family. As a dig to their wolf brothers, they reminded them that if they ever needed to, they could have Ciara punish both of them if needed. Mari and Suni laughed.

"You two, just make sure, she doesn't have to zap you." Mari teased. Aidan laughed, replied, "OK, well play nice."

Both Suni and Mari hugged Caitlyn once more before leaving. The children hugged and kissed their Gammy and Pawpaw. Caitlyn admonished them to be good and told them she'd be over to see them soon.

Dreya smiled and asked, "You promise?"

Caitlyn stroked her chubby cheek and answered, "You can count on it."

Then Ciara had to say good bye to her new sisters. The three women hugged and promised to keep in touch. Naru and Dreya hugged their new Tee tee and told her they loved her. She kissed the little ones and sent them huge waves of love.

The brothers spoke mentally and agreed that from now on they would constantly keep in touch.

Caitlyn was quiet. Aidan and Layton were returning home, but only to relocate and move back to Scotland. She wished her other two would come back home as well. Then she realized that not only were her daughters leaving, but her friend Gao as well.

Gao was returning to Thailand. She had to finalize things there. As the last remaining member of her family, it was up to her to handle her brothers affairs. It would not take long, because as the last Thai dragon, her clan no longer existed. She was female and could not carry the family lime. Any remaining clan members had already joined new clans.


The next day, Gao and Andrew were returning to Thailand. Caitlyn and Conor were going with them. Gao was not facing things alone. Ciara wanted to go with them. But Caitlyn reminded her that she needed to prepare to head home and see her family before relocating to Scotland for good.

The family waited as the wolves loaded the jet that would fly them home. Rayan held his daughter in his lap, as Suni rested her head on his shoulder. Both of them slept.

Mari held Naru, as Brecken sat beside her rubbing her arm to comfort her. She was surprised that even though they had been gone less than an hour, she missed her new family members already.

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