Chapter 9. The Joining.

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Chapter 9.

The couples went to their rooms. Ciara walked with Suni and then Mari and helped get the little ones to bed. The kids were tired, so they were asleep within minutes. Soon, Ciara joined her dragons. They talked and explained the situation to their mate.

Everyone had their own thoughts and dreams that night, both good and evil. Couples had made love before settling into a restful night. The two young ones happily asleep already before the adults. Allowing their parents some precious time to love each other.

As Ciara dozed, she had a premonition. Her blood ran cold, as her heart pounded. 'The babies, he wants the babies.' It was as if an unseen force whispered into her soul. She arose, and she knew, Kulkrit was not after her mates. He wanted the babies!

Gasping for air she cried out very much awake and startling her mates who thought they were not alone. Both grabbed her hard, to soothe her as she relayed her vision. Now terrified for their unborn children. Both growled and sent out messages to their brothers and father.

As hard as it was they did all manage to settle again. Security had been upped by Conor and the brothers advised they would have updates by morning. Plans would then be made to leave earlier than scheduled for Scotland, to be back with family on a united front against the threat.


Over the next 24 - 48 hours. All hell broke loose. Conor had arrived with his guard, Kulkrit had attacked his sister intent on killing her, blaming her for his life and loss, making a small attack against the children. As the battle had raged, the women had been escorted to safety and a flight direct to Scotland, Safe now in the care of Caitlyn and Clan at the Castle.

Each of the women feared for their mates, wanting desperately to support them but also knowing they could also be a hindrance if the men had to worry about them. Ciara just sent her magic to her family, hoping it helped them all and kept them safe to return to them.

When they got word, it was also with their arrival back carrying an injured Conor and Gao. Each had required healing with several days of recovery. There had been a few casualties but they had known they would not come out of the battle unscathed. The dead had had ceremonies celebrating their lives, giving thanks with words of seeing them again in the next world, where all would meet once more.

As the men had said, Caitlyn fussed over the mothers to be. Layton and Aidan had fussed of Ciara on arrival back, making sure their twins were happy and healthy. Both had sent little shafts of love back to their parents, letting each know they were none the worse for wear after all the dramas of recent times. The men refocused on their coming ceremony with Ciara having the full ceremony explained to her by Caitlyn.

Its had sounded so involved but she had been reassured it was pretty straight forward, much like a standard wedding. An Elder officiated, they could say vows and then a formal signing of their wedding certificate, as parts of it still had the modern day legal element that was required. Ciara had panicked over the names, given it was not modern to have two husbands!

Everyone had chuckled with Conor explaining that she would have both their names, but no division; so it would read just so - Layton Aidan MacLean or Aidan Layton MacLean. She had still groaned as it still meant choosing who was first. Everyone had laughed with her mates saying it didn't matter as they would both be named and that's what was important for them and for Ciara. She had to agree and turned it on them to choose, they in turn groaned as the room erupted into laughter once more.

Each giving her the thought - You will pay for that, our beloved mate!

Ciara had just grinned - I hope so my sexy Dragons!

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