Chapter 10.

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Chapter 10.

Ciara woke to find herself still tucked between her mates. Both Dragons were still content in their slumber. She smiled to herself finding the pair both very relaxed in their own home finally after all their travels and the excitement and events of late. She privately hoped there would be no more dramas in their lives now that they were effectively home.

Smiling she did eventually feel her two start to stir, they stretched, both semi hugging her as she chuckled softly saying "Good morning my sexy Dragons. I know you both slept very well back in your own home."

Both chuckled as well, leaning in to kiss her with playful tickles as they had her squirming between them, giggling as they too enjoyed themselves. Clearly very happy to be home.

Layton chuckled "We are love, it is always great being home and we can truly relax here; fly, be ourselves in the surrounding grounds and forests. Well show you around later, but for the next few days we wish to just stay in love, enjoy you and our new life here."

Still chuckling Aidan added "Yes sweetheart it is great to be home and more so with you here now with us. It truly is a home and we have two new members to welcome to our immediate family in the near future. We also need to start looking at a nursery suite renovation and rooms for the boys when they join us Ciara."

She smiled enjoying their kisses with Layton saying "Yes love and we can start on that today, Mother has already quietly told us she opened an account at Mothercare for you! So we will log on later after breakfast and get busy. Aidan knows some builders so he can organize those after we have decided on styles for our sons, if you are OK with that love?"

Ciara chuckled "I am guys thank you and your crafty mother, though I can't blame her, she is excited about the birth of her two official grandchildren. And all the grandchildren are going to be spoiled, even if from afar for the others."

Aidan and Layton laughed, having to agree. Knowing full well Caitlyn would miss the new family members when they all headed back to the US. They agreed they too would travel over to catch up with the new couples and their kids on a regular basis. But would use the internet for regular video chats as well.

They both stopped further chat with their mate, wanting to love her now before having to make a move for the shower and breakfast. They did, making her cry out as she came, checking their sons were OK with her intense pleasure. Hearing they were, they both continued to love their mate for all to come with such an intensity that surprised them all. That each time they made love it seemed to increase.

As Ciara was calming again being held by her mates she managed to say "My sexy Dragons, I would guess its due to our love for each other; our sons love and being totally mated/wed. Though I must admit, I'm shattered my Dragons, must be due to the pregnancy guys."

She grinned away as they chuckled, hugging her with kisses, then Layton spoke "We have noticed love and will be mindful not to over do it Ciara."

She laughed replying "You will not hold back my Dragons or I will give you cause to let go! I intend to enjoy our sex right through and always guys, so no holding back. If anything we may need to adjust positions later when I grow bigger, thus be comfortable, OK?"

Aidan chuckled OK sweetheart we will, but please let us judge how you are feeling also as we have no wish to hurt you or have you uncomfortable. Then we promise to love you to exhaustion carefully.

Swatting him they both laughed but she had to agree to let them take some care. Even she had to admit she needed to. Having one son was OK, but twins? This was so new for her and a little scary as well. She read their love and knew she would be looked after as well, with nothing to worry about.

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