Chapter 11: Did You Miss Me? Did You Miss Me? Did You Miss Me?

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"You know, Devil, I'm getting real tired of your visits."

Oh, but we're connected! Isn't it fun?

It might as well have been a growl, the way you snarled it. You sat up in the darkness of the bunker, package glowing an obvious blue, and basically coughed out the words with hate.

You were so sick of this ruined life.

It would be bloody nice if peace would just decide to visit every once in a few decades instead of said villain trying to destroy your soul.

When was the last time you had a proper laugh?
When was the last time everything wasn't messed up?
When was it you could sit down and be calm and relaxed without jumping to your feet to protect yourself?

Sad part was, you couldn't remember.

It's been years ago, all the peaceful things. When you had loving parents, a peaceful life and a good - no, great - friend who didn't give a damn.

Sometimes you really needed a long break before you accidentally killed someone and today was just one of those days.

"Well," you muttered, "as long as I'm semi-alone I might as well see what's so important inside this shit of a package."

Spearing open one corner with ice from your hand like a knife, you tore open the rest away with a sort of renewed vigor because heck; it was high time you opened the dang thing.

And inside was a...
Was a...

Piece of...
What in the actual world?
Or should you say, what in the actual not world?

It was a piece of the Tesseract.

The Tesseract.

Somehow, sometime during the famed battle of New York small pieces had just gotten chipped off. Really small pieces mind you, but still strong if mixed with a concoction nonetheless.

And here it was, packaged by the hand of Hydra to be given to evil mastermind of Demons Run.

You would love to think that you could figure this out faster, come to a conclusion and such, outsmart the baddie with hours to spare. But you had questions and answers that made no sense.

What would they use it for? Or more specifically, what would Converse use it for?

He had some sort of powers, obviously, so your only guess was that was either a stabilizer or just something to make him stronger. Faster or mentally devastating.

Whichever way, he wasn't getting his hands on it. He...he couldn't. For some reason you paused.

What would it be like, to be that powerful? What joined him for power?


No, can't think like this.

Had to destroy the dang thing. Explode it with ice. It was a small shard; you shouldn't have any trouble:

You stuffed it in your pocket and in your mind did you best to ignore the other thoughts racing in your mind while you walked out of the bunker and remained almost invisible as the fight raged on around the Hydra base, disappearing into the massive forest ahead.
But they kept coming back.

What other toys did they own?

And for god sakes, what the hell for?


"No! Jesus, one break! That's all I need! C'mon, you jerk!"

You lashed out in agony, dropping to your knees; an action that was happening far to often for your taste.

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