Chapter 8: Peace of Our Time

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Waking up in strange places was starting to bother you.

You didn't want to open your eyes. You didn't want to see where you were.

All you knew was that you in a room, on a horridly uncomfortable bed, there were bloody annoying bright lights, and for now, you were alone.

Tortured Genius...

It came back to you at the speed of a jet plane. That's exactly what you were. Not evil, not good.
Not even Chaotic Neutral.

A Tortured Genius.

You thought back to Loki's taunting, how he seemed to know every inch of what made you shrink. What made you feel weak. Helpless, vulnerable. In these cases, some people say that, "My past has come back to haunt me." But if you were honest, really and truly honest...your past?
Had never left.

With a groan, you sat up, yawning and blinking.

That wasn't the point right now. Right now, you were in a strange place. And you hated it. Your head throbbed, not helping your mood at all. Probably from being knocked out at some point.

If you tried hard enough, you could remember Loki's voice. Pulsing through the air, slamming into your memories like a brick and coming away with unbearable pain. How did he know? Where did he get his info? Who provided it? There were only two people with that information he spoke of. One was dead and the would never give it, though they weren't dead or dying. And the third would tell the world.

"Hello?" You hacked, doubling over as pain flickered in your gut. No response. Thinking about this situation and yelling for no-one in particular would get you nowhere, so you decided on the only course of action. Leaving.

You took a glance around the room, spotting grey concrete walls. And then you staggered, realizing you wouldn't be leaving anytime soon.
There, on the left wall, was a symbol.


The red skull looked more menacing in the bright light, the dark paint reflecting on your still bloodstained shirt and grey jeans.

Why the heck did Loki leave you here, at a Hydra bade? What exactly did he hope to accomplish? You'd escaped once. You'd do it again.

Hopping out of bed, you grimaced as the thumping sound of your hop echoed through the facility.

Had to be more careful.

Slowly you made your way to the door, your hand on the brass handle, when you heard a whoosh noise outside. It was faint; could be the trick of the ear. But was it?

Suddenly you were hesitant to open it. Was it Loki? An Avenger, here to break you out? John Garett, although heaven forbid?

You knew you didn't have enough power psychically or mentally to take on anyone right now; you were completely drained.

Curiosity took over. You flung it open.

In an instant a body slammed onto yours, knocking you back into the room with such force and speed you gasped, the wind kicked out of you.

"Going somewhere?" Said a cocky voice with an accent. "I was told you would be staying a while."

That freaking accent was going to tip you over the edge even though you'd just met.

"I wasn't told a thing, so if you'd be so kind as to" -you answered as you stood to your feet, clenching your fists and glaring at the young man- "shut up, that'd be great."

For a moment nothing was said and then the other guy shrugged. "Sucks to be you."

That was it.

Tortured Genius (A Marvel Fanfiction: Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now