Layton moved to sit pulling her over so Aidan could sit the other side, both had her hands now as she felt the heat emanating from both as they almost enclosed her with their sheer size. Easily going on 6'6' she felt, making her feel rather short at 5'8'!

She finally said "You can't seriously tell me I'm your mate guys? It must be some sick joke and I'd prefer you left me alone."

Aidan growled low "No lass you are ours never doubt what we say or tell you Ciara."

Layton added "We will always speak the truth lass, as it should be between mates, this is not a joke Ciara and we are not leaving without you."

She shrank back into the couch despite them holding her hands firmly and their bodies snug around her. She didn't know what to think now. It made no sense, she would be laughed at, or have to witness women throwing themselves at the two of them. How could she accept this and be truly happy?

She needed to move and felt both holding her tightly before she sent - LET ME GO!

They did watching her as she walked around, moving into the kitchen putting the jug on or debated opening the bottle of Cider. It was almost too much to perceive! Why her? Why not someone who fitted the mold of stunningly beautiful to match two hot sexy Dragons!!

It made no sense to her even if there was truth to the true mates belief. She stood at the sink letting silent sorrowful tears fall as she felt it had to be one of life's cruel jokes.

She wanted to be loved, desired it above all else in life, but to no avail, now two swore they were hers yet she felt unworthy of their beauty. She slammed her fists down hard on the bench before a strong pair of arms encircled her swearing softly as Aidan now took her hands to make sure she hadn't hurt herself. He then lifted a hand to wipe away her tears. Layton just hugged her tightly as she cried, sobbing now, as it made no sense in her mind.

Layton nuzzled her hair softly as Aidan spoke "Ciara, we do not joke lass, never with mates. Please lass listen to your own heart, you will know we speak the truth, you will feel it as well if you just relax and open up to us both."

Layton added softly "You will feel it when you let go of your anger and frustration lass, please relax and no more hitting things."

Ciara groaned closing her eyes still feeling Aidan wipe the odd tears falling as she leaned back now into Layton, both letting go slight sighs at her semi acceptance for now. She could feel Aidan still gently brushing her face as the odd tear escaped, even Layton was gently rubbing her arms now while one arm still held her.

She stayed still with both finally saying "I'm sorry guys, I just find it hard to grasp that you would want me. It hurts to be so, knowing how society will see this and you both."

Layton chuckled against her hair saying "Nay lass they will be jealous seeing our desire for you, holding you and not letting go. There is nothing wrong with the way you love Ciara, you are beautiful, sexy and sensual. Aidan and I have never gone for the type you described earlier."

Aidan chuckled "Not that it stops them trying but now we have you and they will see how we are, they may try lass but to no avail. You need never worry Ciara, ever. And yes you are sexy, sensual, loving, caring, fun and ours."

Ciara looked up suddenly "Just how long have you been watching me and please tell me you have not invaded my private moments?"

Both chuckled with Aidan saying "No we have not but yes we have been watching you for a while now lass, the pull is strong to you but we felt also we needed to wait for a wee period. As hard as that has been. We knew you would accept us, though unsure if it would be together."

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