Chapter 22: Crappy Crap

Start from the beginning

Niall: I got to go. Tara just came back with spaghetti all over her

I grab her backpack, and I take her hand. I drag her out the restaurant and over to the convenience store. I take her to the family bathroom there and pull her inside. I lock the door and start picking noodles out of her hair.

Tara looks down, obviously embarrassed about what has happened to her. I look at her in the mirror, debating whether or not I should ask about who had done it to her. I had my suspicions, but I didn't want to jump to conclusion.

"Thanks," Tara mutters, once I've gotten all the noodles out of her hair. I nod my head. My face showing worry all over. Tara looks at me, her red eyes and soft sniffles makes me want to hurt whoever dumped the spaghetti on her more.

"I don't want to worry you, but a bunch of people took pictures of me and then some of both of us," Tara says, sighing, "I'm so sorry." Tara covers her face with her hands.

I laugh at this. She thinks that's why I'm mad? 'Cause some people took pictures of us? I think incredulously.

"I'm not worried about that," I say, trying to look her in the eye. But every time I catch a glimpse of her blue eyes, she turns in a different direction.

"Tara, who did this to you?" I ask. Tara looks at the ground, her sniffles softening a little.

"She didn't mean to. I wasn't looking where I was going," Tara says. I start getting frustrated at her. Why won't she tell me? I mean, I know we're not as close as I wish we were, but I thought she knew she could talk to me. I walk over to the sink, and I take some water in my hands. I wash the sauce off my hands, and then I look at Tara in the mirror. She looks like she's really miserable to be standing in front of me, covered in spaghetti sauce. I look back at my hands and smile.

I turn around, an evil grin playing on my face. Tara looks at me uncertain. Right as she catches on to what I'm about to do, I throw the water in my hands at her. She cries out as the cold water touches skin. I laugh at her expression. She glares at me playfully, and I smile at this. Tara is normally really guarded or uptight, but, right now, I can finally see her mind click into a childish mode. I smile and fill my hands again, then turn and splash her again. Tara's expression turns to surprise as the water hits her clothes this time. Her red eyes becoming bluer and her usual sparkle returns.

She moves to the sink and fills her hands, and I look at her mischievous grin. She turns around and blows into her hands. I cough as soap is blown into my open mouth and nose. She giggles, and I instantly fall for it. Her giggle is too cute! I wish I could tell her that.

I move around her and fill my hands. I chase her around the small bathroom, her screaming every time I hit her. She stops at the soap dispenser and starts blowing soap at me. I laugh and fill my hands again.

We chase each other until we are both out of breath. I hit the ground hard as I slip on some soap. Tara laughs, doubling over. I smile at her and grab her hand, and I pull her down to the ground. She squeals a little as she slides on the ground until she lands on top of me. Her stomach is on top of mine, making me feel a little nervous. What if she thinks my stomach is too squishy? Or what if she thinks it's too hard and uncomfortable? Gosh, I wish I could just read her mind right now, I think. She looks at me and laughs, her laugh making me melt. I want to freeze this moment and stay in it forever. It feels perfect.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

We both look at the door. I put my finger to my lips to signal her to stay quiet.

"What!" I yell with a scratchy voice. I make a face just so I can see Tara smile. Tara smiles widely, trying hard not to laugh.

"Um, excuse me, sir," a lady says on the other side. "But, we've gotten a few complaints. Some people have said that they are hearing, um, sexual noises coming from in there. So, if you are in there, um, doing it, then you and your partner need to leave right now, or I'll be forced to call the police." I glance at Tara, her face staring at the ground and blushing furiously. I know my face is the same, especially after the lady said "doing it". I stay quiet until a horrible idea pops into my messed up brain.

"I'll tell you what, miss! I am having a crappy time right now because I am trying to take a crap and there is a crappy lady bugging me during this crappy crap!" I yell back. I glance at Tara and see her smiling at the ground. This only encourages me.

"So, if you don't mind, I'd like to finish my crap in peace!" I yell. I hear the lady sigh, but her loud footsteps tell me she's left the doorway. I let out a sigh and look at Tara to see her already looking up at me.

"We better get going," Tara says softly, looking down at her hands quickly. Tara gets up. I study her as she grabs her backpack. Her shirt and shorts are wet with some soap on it. I stop her, take my sweatshirt off, and hand it to her. She smiles and pulls it over her head. I smile as I look at her. She looks so cute in my sweatshirt. I glance at her one more time and open the door.

I step out the bathroom and close the door. I glance up and see a lady checking someone out. I sigh and quickly walk over to the slushy dispenser. I start pouring myself a cherry and blueberry slushy. Tara walks over to me, smiling shyly.

"Pick any kind you want. I'm paying," I say proudly. She shakes her head. I sigh, grabbing another cup. I look at her and decide to get her blueberry. She shakes her head even more, reaching over to take the cup.

"No, Niall! Stop!" Tara whines. I laugh and turn around. I walk to the cashier, my wallet already out. I'm handing the lady my money when Tara shoves money into the lady's hand.

"Here," Tara says. I shake my head.

"No. Don't take her money. It's on me," I say, directing the last part to Tara. The lady gives me a weird look, but pushes Tara's money back to her. I smile and watch as she rings me up. I get my change and grab our drinks. On the way out the door, I turn around and look the lady in eye, an evil grin playing on my lips.

"Thank you!" I shout in the voice I had used when we were in the bathroom. The lady's eyes go wide and her jaw drops slightly. I grin and follow Tara down the street.


Heylo! Okay, PurpleSpaceUnicorn11 i got it in before midnight. Gosh, that was WAY too stressful!

Okay. That's it. If you like my story, please comment, vote, and/or follow me! Thanks. Love ya!

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