A second after saying that he just stopped everything and I could tell he was talking to someone through mind link, his face was serious and I felt his body tense up, he put his head down and let out an irritated growl, I put my hands on his cheeks and lifted his head all he said was " Nicks rouge friends are here, they think we forced him to come with us."

Honestly I was pissed I wanted to have sex, but Toms the alpha he needs to be there.

He put me down and dried himself then went to get dressed, I wrapped a towel around my hair then put on one of my robes I walked into the room and Tom was on his way out. He pecked my lips and walked out of the room, I felt lonely and defiantly wasn't going to sleep until Tom was back here.

Nick left before Tom so I was home alone waiting to hear something from anyone. The reason I wanted Nick to come back here is because I want him and Tom to be real brothers, I want them to forget about the past and think about the future.

It's now 12:30 AM and no one is back yet, I can't wait any longer. Tom left at 9:30 PM and I'm beyond worried right now. Before he left he used his Alpha voice and commanded me not to leave the house no matter what. I hope everyones okay.

The room was really hot, I think it's cause I've been pacing back and fourth since Tom left, I decided to change into one of my little night gowns, I slipped my fuzzy slippers on and walked down to the kitchen I hadn't eaten since I got home.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs I heard voices coming from outside, as soon as I recognized Toms voice I ran outside and jumped into his arms. I was so relieved that he was okay.

He hugged me back but growled, when I looked around I realized there were 7 or 8 guys standing around us bowing their heads then I looked down at what I was wearing and pulled down my gown but when I did I revealed more of my chest causing a loud growl to erupt from Toms throat, before I knew it I was over his shoulder and we were making our way upstairs.

I was thrown on the bed but he didn't climb on top of me like I wanted instead he told me to go to bed, I was disappointed but didn't let it show, he kissed me and told me he had to go back to the guys to figure out what exactly they were going to do. I nodded and told him goodnight he said it back and made his way out the door.

Toms POV

Seriously? This had to happen now? All I wanted to do was enjoy my time with Emma but Lucas kept bugging me, I was about to block him out but before I could he told me that rouges were in my territory. He mentioned that they wanted Nick back, I wouldn't mind giving him back, I know he's my little brother and deep down actually very deep down I care about him, but his relationship with Emma is annoying the hell out of me, she wants to fix things between us, she's got a big heart and that's one of the reasons I love her so much.

When I told her I had to leave she was disappointed and I was to but I need to protect my pack. I used my Alpha command on her because I don't want her running around with rouges on our land.

Once I got to everyone I noticed Nick standing between to rouges, I don't know what came over me but I felt the urge to protect him, I approached them and made sure they knew they weren't going to hurt him but they didn't move they both focused their eyes on Nick and asked him, "are you sure you want to stay here" Nick held his head up and said, "yes I am, if that's okay with the alpha."

I nodded and he knew I meant it was fine with me. The two rouges looked at him and said, "but you know all of our secrets how do we know you won't tell them everything?"

I answered for him I used my alpha voice so they could get the hell off my land "he won't tell us anything cause we don't care, we aren't going to ask him about anything."

They smirked, "don't you want to be able to help your mate? "We were planing on having a little fun with her but then you showed up, we're sure she would have enjoyed it."

My eyes were now pitch black I almost shifted but I couldn't I promised Em I wouldn't fight, but hold on I promised I wouldn't shift, I can still kill them in human form, I punched the one in the front in the mouth and the one on the side right in the nose, they were both bleeding and grabbing their face.

I told them to get the hell off my land, they did right away because if we were to fight my guys would have easily won. I turned to face Nick and yelled "what the hell do they want with Emma?"

He looked me right in the eyes, "nothing, they're just trying to mess with your head, if they threatened Emma I'd go after them"

I can't believe he just said that to me, I shoved his shoulder back, "she has me, her mate, why would she need you?"

He looked confused and said "I don't like her like that."

"You better not." I walked past him making my way back home.

I told the guys to follow me so we could discuss who was going to be on patrol from now on. We were only a few feet away from my house when I saw Emma running towards me looking sexier than I ever imagined, she was wearing a red night gown that ended right below her ass, I didn't want the guys seeing her like that.

She's mine and only mine. When she reached me she jumped and hugged me, I could tell how worried she was because how tight she held on to me, I hugged her back but realized that her night gown risen up I let out a snarl and she pulled back, all of the guys had their heads down, they knew if they even glanced at her I'd kill them.

She noticed what was wrong and pulled down he night gown only to reveal her bare chest, my wolf went crazy, I threw her over my shoulder and quickly went to our room I put her on the bed and all I wanted to do was get on top of her and finish what we started in the shower, but I couldn't I need to make sure everyone is safe.

I told her to get some sleep and she nodded then climbed under the covers.

When the little meeting was over I told Nick that I was going to have a talk with him in the morning, he told me he wanted to talk about some stuff with me too, after saying goodnight to each other I made my way up to my room, Emma was asleep, I watched her for a while before bringing her closer to me and falling asleep with her in my arms.

When I woke up I looked at the time and it was 8:20 a.m, after the meeting yesterday I went to bed at 3:00 a.m. Emma was still asleep, I ran my fingers through her hair a couple of times then moved them down to her face, I rubbed her cheeks causing her to wake up, she looked up at me and smiled, "good morning sexy."

I said while rubbing her back, "good mor-" was all she managed to say before getting up and running to the bathroom, I heard her throwing up, she can't be sick, werewolves, don't get sick, and females don't throw up unless they're ...pregnant, is she pregnant?

I hope she is, all I need is Emma and a son who will be strong enough to carry the alpha title once I pass it down to him. I better take her to the pack doctor so we could find out.


Emma might be pregnant!



Thank you all so much for reading my story, I love you guys!

❤~~Sarah~~ ❤

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