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Kingdom of Celestia
Celestial Palace
Year XX97

I felt relaxed as I played the piano with ease. My instructor eas listening and his eyes were closed as he felt the song's message.

"That was excellent Princess Lucy" The piano instructor praised. "I felt the emotions that you want to express. It was absolutely divine, your highness"

My father took a peek as I was showered with praises by our servants. He caught me staring at him and he gave me a mean stare before he walked out. I sighed. It was always like this since my mother died. Father was upset because I was the only heir to the throne. He needed a male heir to rule the whole kingdom.

I was the most beautiful woman in our Kingdom as my servants said. My hair was silky and golden just like the sun. My heart shaped face , pinkish lips and deep brown eyes made me shine from the rest. It was unique since I'm the only girl to possess the trait aside from my mom. Warriors, rich socialites and princes came to our palace just to court me and give me gifts.

I felt disappointed when I was introduced to them. I often wish that I was not this beautiful. They only wanted me for my beauty but did they even try to know the real me?

"Thank you so much your majesty!" Esmeralda cried for joy as she hugged her beloved son. Tim almost died because of suffocation. I am a celestial mage of light. It was what my mother told me when I summoned my powers. She passed all her knowledge to me before the days where she became ill. I couldn't even help her because her disease needs a very powerful mage to tend to it.

I walked towards the palace gardens and stood in a clearing. I closed my eyes as the sudden magic filled within me. I felt refreshed by the time I finished my ritual.

A loud explosion was heard as Lucy shrieked in surpise. "Your highness!" Two palace guards came to her. "The Kingdom of Celestia is under attack!" She felt her heart dropped. I hope father is alright.

The civilians houses were on fire. Cannons were being aimed at the heart of the city. Men, women and children were being slaughtered mercilessly. It was so inhumane.

"Princess!" The guard yelled as they heard the loud banging of the gates. "They have already reached the palace!" Her blood ran cold as she quickly ran to hide.

Lucy quickly ran towards the basement with one of her maids. "Find the Princess!" She heard a voice from afar. "Your highness please change." The maid pleaded as she stripped out of her outfit.

"Mae don't" Lucy stopped her. "Please your highness" She sadly smiled. "It was nice serving you"

The basement doors went wide as the rebels ran inside. "Take her!" The rebels pointed at the elegantly dressed woman.

Felicia stood in front of the palace with the rest of the survivors. None had said a word as the leader gave a smug look. "Bow down before the true king princess." He spat as the two rebels pushed her in front of him. "I would never" The disguised princess angrily looked at him. Her wig was stained with mud and dirt.

The leader smirked at her. "Kill her" A man with a black mask carried the sword of their fallen king. "From this day forward, the immortal Kingdom of Celestia is mine!" The army yelled in victory as they beheaded the woman.

Her warm tears went down her face as her Kindom slowly became shatters. "You're king and you're princess are dead." The leader declared as he pointed towards the two decapitated heads in front of the Celestial Palace. She could hear the voices of the souls who died that day.

The blonde haired woman felt disgusted as the rebel continiously stared at her with lust. "What about this maid?" He said as he tightly dragged her towards the leader. "You certainly have a rare beauty. We shall keep her then. I suggest we sell her and get the money"

Please promise me you wouldn't use your powers.I beg of you. Her words rang in my mind. Was this really worth it? A man came in fromt of me and chained both of my hands. I icily glared at them as I vowed to restore my fallen kingdom and its people. "Are you sure you caught the right princess? This sure looks like one." The rebel eyed me warily. My blonde hair is easily recognizable. "That's clearly impossible" The leader boasted. "I made sure to kill the real princess. I think this one is their decoy. I'm sure of it."

I spit at his face which he momentarily stopped. I know it was very unlady like but I can never be a princess without a kingdom. "You little b!tch!" My cheek was instantly swollen from his slap. "I'll show you manners from disrespecting your king!" He tied me in a flag pole with my arms behind my back. "I'll show you no mercy" His whip quickly came in contact with my skin. It stings!

Gasps were heard from the crowd as he continued to torture me. "G-gaaah!" I couldn't even control my whimpers of pain. Some cried while others gritted their teeth as I was being tortured to death. "Take that!" I barely heard my own cries as I felt warm blood flowed in my forehead.

"Sir, there are warriors heading here!" A young man interrupted. He stopped his whips as he glared at me. "Your luck has saved you." He gave me one last look before he walked out.

Who knew that there is a sudden turn of events? I mentally chuckled. My voice became hoarse from screaming. The remaining survivors became their slaves. They were forced to make weapons and provide food. The young boy who helped me was a spy. He brought food for me and nursed me back to health when the leader was busy. I was tied into the pole for weeks. No one can help me since they were given orders not to.

Somewhere in Northbound Forest
Unknown Boundary
Year XX97

"Oi Happy!" The rose haired man yelled as he ventured out in the forest calling out his companion. The blue exceed was nowhere to be found. "Happy!" He scratched at the back of his head. Happy suggested to fly up to see where they were going. 20 minutes have passed since he flew.

Happy followed a weird and small living snowman to its home. It was twirling in circles under the hot sun. "Pun pun" The weird snowman said.

He followed it until he reached a clearing were it suddenly disappeared. The blue cat looked in confusion. Little did he know that he was inside the Kingdom of Celestia. He flew again to check were Natsu was.

There were tall buildings that smeled so rotten. Happy felt like vommiting at the vile odor. He suddenly stopped when he saw a blonde maiden.

Her arms were tied into a post while her back was exposed with scars and wounds. He noticed her shallow breathing which made him sigh in relief. I hope she's alright. The male cat thought.

"Get out of here." The maiden's voice croaked. "But-"

"Please leave" The cat left the maiden in defeat. He couldn't do anything since she didn't want to be helped.

Natsu wiped off his sweat as he searched for Happy. "Natsu!" He heard a voice yelled in a distance. Happy flew in front of him. "Where were you-" He suddenly stopped when he smelt a very intoxicating scent. It was so divine and heavenly.

"I found a lady being punished." Natsu's heart ran cold. He knew that the woman he saw was his mate. Her scent was vanilla with a mixed scent of blood. She was hurt. "Where is she?" He suddenly asked.

"I don't know. I just followed a weird looking snowman."

A/N: Natsu is not going to have motion sickness in this story. Has OOC kinda.

Published: July 13, 2015
End: October 16, 2015

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