Breathe For Me

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Sorry that this chapter is delayed! I have a serious headache kicking me in the ass. Also allergies ;-; I swear I've sneezed all over this computer. SOS sent help. Also, do any of you listen to Bring Me The Horizon? Or their new album That's The Spirit? Because I swear to GOD their entire album had me thinking about Izaya. Holy Moley.

EDIT: Wow Hi There Earthlings! This draft is old as balls, so Ignore my top rambling it's from like late 2015-ish. Whoopsies. Enjoy ;u;


When I reached Shinra's house, I was instructed to lay Izaya down on the living room table and to back away leaving Shinra to do his work. By this time, Izaya had blood dripping out of both his upper right side, and his mouth. I could barely see his chest rising and falling as he took strained breaths. I let an involuntary whimper escape my throat, looking over at Tom, who had his gaze intently on me.

"You okay Heiwajima?" Tom asked me, guiding me into the adjacent room so I could sit down. I shook my head. It was no use lying to him. I wasn't okay. Without Izaya, how would I ever be okay? I had ruined his life so much up until now, and here I go again fucking everything up. I could've prevented this. I could've pulled the knife from Akabayashi's hand. I could've challenged Aozaki. I could've just not gone to work.

"Shizuo? I need your help!" Shinra called to me. I stood up almost instantly and ran to his side. "I need you to hold this over Izaya's wound. I need to run to my room to get some supplies. He needs anesthetics and I have to stitch up that wound quick! I'll be right back,"

As Shinra disappeared around the corner, I looked down at Izaya's face, taking in every detail of his features. He had blood smeared across his mouth and chin, which tainted his beautiful porcelain face. His obsidian hair was tousled and out of place, but that didn't change the fact that he was the most gorgeous man I'd ever met.

I laid my hand on his cheek and stroked it with the pad of my thumb, letting anxious tears escape from my eyes. I was beyond worried. His heart beat had escalated to 180 by now and his breathing was barely there, as the previous rapid rise and fall of his chest, had turned into strained half breaths as he was barely holding on to life.

Shinra sped into the room, a needle in hand, motioning me to exit the room. He injected the anesthetic into Izaya, and began his work.

I sat next to Tom, anxiety completely overwhelming me. I didn't know what to do for a while, but then a hinting flick of inspiration hit me. "Tom, I'm going to be gone for a while. Take care of Izaya for me if I'm not back on time?" I looked at Tom with pleading eyes, until he finally just shrugged.

"Whatever man. Just make sure you don't leave me with Orihara forever," He laughed, and gave me the signal to leave. As I snuck out the door, I took one last glance at Izaya hoping, just hoping, he'd be okay.

As soon as my feet were out the door, I sprinted down the hallway as fast as my legs could carry me. I was going straight to Shiki, and I was going to kill Akabayashi. How dare he lay a hand on Izaya! The previous sadness that littered my mind was now replaced with pure and lucid anger. Izaya had been through so much already and he didn't need this. I would be sure to repay Akabayashi ten fold in response to him hurting Izaya. And if Izaya died, I'd kill all three of those bastards.

If Izaya died. . . . What would I do? Izaya was my world. He could be a pain in the ass, that was sure enough, but to live without him? Was I even prepared for that harsh reality?

I sprinted down the crowded streets of Shinjuku until I was in Ikebukuro. Even then my legs continued to carry me forward until I was in the entrance of Shiki's domain. Three heavily armed men met me in the doorway, knowing instantly who I was, and that I was a threat. I could've beat them all within an inch of their lives, but I put my arms up in defense.

"I'm here to see Shiki. Haruya Shiki. Take me to him. I'm not here to fight," I grit my teeth and tried sounding civil, but it came out sounding just as feigned as it was.

Reluctant as they were, they still took me to meet Shiki after a quick pat down. As I ascended the staircase, I heard a quite familiar malicious voice call out to me, making all the lucid anger from earlier boil my blood. I could almost feel my face brightening an alarming shade of red as I heard the wicked foul chuckle and irritating click of that inferior cane of his, as he made his way over to me.

"Can I tell you something before you lash out Heiwajima?" Akabayashi called out, trying to spare his life some time.

I let out the breath I didn't even realize I was holding, and turned around to look into his dark crimson eyes. As our eyes met, I found myself almost unable to hold back my extreme anger. All I wanted in that very moment was to relish the sounds of his bones cracking beneath my fist, but a small twinge in my chest told me I needed to hear what he had to say before lashing out. I let out an irate sigh, "What is it you need to say, you filthy bastard?" I let each word ooze out of my mouth as sour as pure venom, but even the rage poured into my words didn't make the smirk on his face waver.

"You see, your little boy toy, Orihara, I hope you know he's been with every sorry ass male and female in the Awakusu-Kai," His smirk widened, "Why, just the other day Shiki went over to his apartment and had his way with him, but I already think you know about that, don't you, Heiwajima? He's a whore Shizuo. A lying whore who will do whatever he can to manipulate you and steal away all your secrets and sell them on the internet. He's driven by lust and greed: sadism and a want for someone to pay attention to him, just as if he were an abandoned puppy out on the fucking street. So before you come in here waving your fists all about trying to get revenge for the hole I put in Orihara's lung, I suggest you take into consideration who you're defending Shizuo. You don't know, maybe you'll be the one being played when he wakes up, well that is if he does wake up of course," Akabayashi sensed my distrust and threw a manilla envelope towards me

As it hit the ground a single black and white photo slid out and stopped right before my feet. I could've puked. Taking one good look at it, I knew that Akabayashi wasn't lying to me. As much as I loathed him, I had to swallow my pride and realize he wasn't lying to me.

I picked up the photo I studied it, making sure it was real, and not just an edited photo copy, but the look on Izaya's face, one I knew all too well, could not be faked by a mere computer program. This photo was indeed genuine.

After looking at it for another few seconds, I threw it to the ground in disgust, letting the weak tears slide down my cheeks. I looked up at Akabayashi, who looked as smug as ever, and directed my anger towards him once again.

"Why? Why tell me this Mizuki? All of this couldn't be just to spare your pathetic life. Tell me, what could be so important to you that you would expose Izaya to me, knowing that I cared for him? What right do you have to play God?!" I was livid. Who did he think he was shoving his way into my life playing God?

Then it hit me. Playing God. I knew a specific other person who had one such complex. I looked Akabayashi in his eyes, showing him all my sorrow and livid anger, "Tell me, just what do you want? I'll get it from Izaya for you if you promise to leave him alone. I may not like him very much at this moment, but I know him well enough to know he doesn't deserve this treatment,"

He smirked, tapping his cane on the concrete floor, almost as if he was weighing some imaginary options. Finally he pointed his cane at me and gave me a smirk of pure evil delight.

"Deal. Welcome to the Awakusu-Kai, Shizuo Heiwajima."

Poisoning From The Insideحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن