I Want You

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/NSFW Warning Babies ~(o3o)~/

I didn't realize I had fallen asleep, until I woke up to Izaya sleeping next to me. We were still on the couch, and Izaya was lightly snoring as the new morning light pierced my eyes. I was still sitting up, whereas Izaya had fallen off my lap and now had one leg tangled around my back and one on my lap. His arms were sprawled all over his side of the couch. He looked like a starfish. I smirked to myself, trying not to laugh out loud and wake him up.

I slowly lowered his leg off of me, trying to get up. I thought maybe trying, emphasis on trying, to make him breakfast would make him feel better. As soon as I lifted off the couch, I pondered what to make for Izaya. Did I even know what he liked to eat? Geez, what kind of boyfriend was I? I couldn't decide, so I settled on American pancakes, hoping he would enjoy them even if I was a shitty cook.

Before I even started cooking, Izaya leaned his slender shoulder against the door frame leading into the kitchen. I let out a small gasp as I took in his appearance. Hair tousled and messy framing his pale face. His slender body bare except for the obsidian boxers he had worn all yesterday during his drunken fit, which now adorned a noticeable bulge making my face heat to critical levels. When he spoke, his morning voice deep and sexy, I nearly lost it.

He rubbed his eyes, getting a better look at me, "Good-morning Shizu-chan~ How did you sleep?" His voice dripped like liquid off his lips, words flowing and forming so easily by a deep set morning voice I had never noticed before.

I couldn't even formulate a good-morning back. Just his appearance was throwing the cognitive part of my brain off. He sauntered over to me, making sure to exaggerate his hips movements as he made his way over. My breath caught in my throat, knowing exactly where this confrontation could go.

As soon as Izaya reached me, his seductive Auburn eyes locked with my honey ones, as he traced his soft fingers over my exposed collar bone. I let out a short gasp, and involuntarily shivered, remembering what happened in the shower yesterday morning. I thought Izaya was just a horny drunk. Was he drunk? No, he couldn't be, he had just woken up. So what was this? Did he actually possess the want to be. . . sexual with me? Me? Of all people?

He pecked my lips and smirked, "Why so quiet~ Something on your mind?~" He wrapped his arms around me, making me bend over so his lips were at my ear. Intentionally breathing hot air on my neck, he whispered in my ear, "You're pretty sexy~ Shi~zu~channn~"

Before I could even say anything, Izaya had me pinned against the fridge in his kitchen. He grabbed a fistful of my shirt, pulling my lips down to meet his. He tasted minty and absolutely irresistible. I couldn't help myself from entangling my hands in his hair, and just pulling him closer.

His almost completely bare body pressed against mine, and our tongues danced back and forth between each other's mouths. He tasted like pure ecstasy. Izaya Orihara himself was a drug, and my drug of choice. I could get high off his kisses, and melt beneath his touch. Today I just didn't feel like Shizuo Heiwajima, I felt so free, so different. I felt so. . . needy. I needed to kiss him. I needed to touch him. I needed him to touch me.

He pushed his body against mine harder, letting me feel his growing bulge rubbing against my leg. I gasped, the mere thought of what was beneath that fabric too much for me. He smiled into our kiss enjoying every second of unraveling me.

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