Chapter Six

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Author's Note: This is the last chapter, so I hope you've enjoyed reading!

Chapter Six--True Belief


Regina parked her car outside the hospital and rushed inside. The secretary told her which room Roland was in, and Regina hurried down the hallway.

Once inside Roland's room, Regina saw Roland lying on the bed, asleep. He had an iv in his arm, but was cord-free other than that, which surprised Regina a little bit. Robin was sitting on the side of the bed and reading the storybook out loud.

"Hi," Regina said, mostly to make herself known.

Robin looked up and stopped reading. "Hello, Milady."

"How is he?"

Robin sighed. "Terrible."

Regina sat down on the bed next to Robin and took his hand in hers. "He'll be okay. Roland's a fighter."

Robin nodded slightly, but it was obvious he was still worried for his son.

~The Enchanted Forest~

"Rumpelstiltskin?!" Robin repeated in a hushed voice. "Do you know how dangerous he is?"

"Yes, but I made a deal with him, and it went fine," Marian replied. "That woman you mentioned-Belle-she was there still, and she was able to help keep him from raging."

"What was the price of that medicine?"

"...Your name. As in 'Robin of Locksley', not 'Robin Hood'."

"That was all?" Robin didn't believe Marian.

"Yes. But he did mention a cost of the potion."

"This is why we don't mess with magic," Robin reminded Marian.

"Would you rather Roland die?!" Marian demanded. "It is possible Roland will come down with this illness again. To heal him next time, he only needs a true love's kiss, and it can be from one of us."

"Is that all?" Robin asked. "I don't want you keeping secrets from me. Especially not when they have to do with that man."

"I promise that is everything."


By the next day, Roland had no less than four cords attaching him to various medical machines. Regina had left to go home late the night before, and had arrived early with breakfast for Robin. Emma and Neal had brought Henry after lunch.

Emma and Neal were talking to Robin and Regina in whispers by the doorway while Henry read the story of Robin Hood and Marian to Roland, who was awake for the time being.

When Henry reached the part about Robin Hood's son getting sick, he paused. What if the book had an answer for how to heal Roland? Would everyone believe then?

Roland yawned and before Henry could start reading again, he was asleep. So Henry read the story to himself, though not out loud.

"A true love's kiss," Henry muttered to himself after he finished reading the story. "But no one will believe me. How can I get Robin to true love's kiss Roland if he doesn't believe the book?" Henry set the book down.

"Find any magical solutions in that storybook?" Emma joked. Henry looked up to see that whatever conversation was happening in the adults' whispers was over.

"Yes, actually," Henry replied. "If Robin gives Roland a true love's kiss, it should heal Roland, and might even break whatever curse we're under." Henry knew his idea would be shot down, but he had to try.

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