9: Finding You

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"Yes, you are going to kill me?" What was She saying? Ha, no, She wasn't going to kill me. She was just here by accident.

"I am your clone."

Clone? I thought they were just a part of science fiction movies. Was there really such a thing?

"Yes, we do exist."

Woah, she can even read minds? We? There were more than one Me?

"Can we start from the beginning?" I was so confused. Now she told me she was my clone? All through this bizarre conversation, she wore a blank face, void of all emotions. It was hard to tell if she was lying. Maybe that was how clones were programmed to be.

"When you were a child, they found something that melted right through your brain. They found a metal strip. Don't bother asking me how it got there, because I have no idea as well. All I know that your parents would not see of this metal nonsense and immediately arranged for a clone of you, to exchange brains. So now, I've got your screwed up brain.

But good for me, your brain did wonders for me.

For us clones, we don't get injected with much intelligence, for the fear that we might devise an escape plan and something like this would happens.

Your metal strip gave me whatever intelligence I could ever ask for.

But all the intelligence I could ask for could never give me experience, how to live among people, real people."

I shuddered when She said "real" people. All this time She was talking about this bizarre accident, She was just staring at me, into me, like She was searching my soul for that tinge of guilt for screwing Her brain that wasn't there. She just stood there, about three feet apart, arms crossed, with her weight mostly supported by her left foot. Her whole stance gave off a strong confident vibe that cleary showed She was the one in control of the situation.

Her face was completely nuetral and gave off no signs whatever of what she was feeling. I was just way too overwhelmed by the situation that I was pretty sure my face was frozen void of total facial expressions. So my face was pretty much nuetral as well.

So here we are, two mirror-identical girls, at night, in an alley, talking about metal strips and 'real' people... not my everyday routine.

As much as I didn't want to continue listening to this whacked out explanation of Hers, I really wanted my normal life back and kick Her butt to the other side of the world. And in order for me to do that, I'll have to listen to whatever she has to offer.

" After my 'Brain Transplant', they probably thought I wouldn't make it, so they just dumped me out, not bothering to terminate me thoroughly, thinking I would just die off with that damned strip in my brain. But I didn't, instead the chemicals in the metal reacted with my chemically made, artificial-clone brain, and 'enlightened' me. I quickly ran as far away as I could from that stinkin' hell hole. For the past one year, I spent my time learning how to live like a human being and more importantly, finding you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2011 ⏰

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