4: A Crying Kelsey

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The next morning, I had a terrible headache when I woke up. My nose was all runny and red. I wanted to tell my parents that I didn't feel like going to school and after seeing the state I was in, I knew they would relent.

"Mom, I don't think I'm well enough to go to school" I groaned from halfway down the stairs.

No one replied.

Suddenly, a horrid thought struck me. Could my double have kidnapped my parents? What did she want with them? Oh no!

I ran down the stairs and searched the house. Then I saw a note on the dining table. I was so sure it was a death threat from Her.

I fearfully picked it up and forced myself to read: Hey sweetie, stay at home today, you're running a temperature. Don't worry about school, I'm sure your friends will help you take notes. We left for work already. There are still some leftovers, do try to eat something.

Oh, so it was just a note from my dear mother. I was thinking too much, I had to unwind. I oven toasted the leftovers and fitted myself comfortably on the couch in front of the television. I glanced through the channels until I settled on Survivor.

So for the whole of that day, I pigged out in front of the television eating junk after junk, feeling guilty and more guilty, keeping track of how many flight if stairs I would have to climb up and down afterward.

The next day, I had to go back to school, sadly, but on the plus side, I get to see my friends again. Which reminded me, why hadn't they called yesterday?

I was a little hurt that they had totally forgotten about me, but a little excited to see them again!

The thick snow had mostly melted, so I took my bicycle and rode my way to school.

I parked my bicycle and went straight to Kelsey's locker. She would probably be there. On my way there, I was thinking of how to punish her for not calling.

"Kelsey! Hey!"

She tilted her head a little and raised her eyebrows. After catching sight of me, instead of grinning widely and welcoming me with a warm embrace, she frowned and looked away. She then proceeded to quickly gathering her stuff and slamming her locker back in place. Then she ducked her head down and took off.

Wait, what?

Then I realised something, nobody had greeted me today. Usually, the moment I walked through the front doors, people greet and smile. Not to boast, but people liked me, I was popular. But today, nothing.

"Kelsey! Wait!"

I caught her with our clique of friends. We were the most popular girls all around school, and everyone was dying to join us. Kelsey was crying. While Carrie and Mitchie holding her shoulders and comforting her. With Laura providing the poor girl with tissues.

Why was she crying?

As I approached them, they threw me dirty looks that made me rethink if I wanted to continue making my way towards them.

"What? What did I do?" Utterly confused.

"You know what you did!" Carrie snapped back.

"I wasn't here for just one day and everybody hates me, wow!" If this was some prank, they sure were really good actors.

"What do you mean you weren't here yesterday? We all saw you, and what you did and what you said and" I cut her off.

"What I did? What I said? I wasn't here! I was home sick!"

What were they saying? I couldn't be at two places at the same time, right?


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