7: Enchanted Woods

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I woke up with a sneeze.

What was I doing out here?

Had I fainted?

Oh, I remembered yesterday.

I slept here all night?! My parents must be worried sick. I pulled out my cell phone and checked the time. I still had school! I couldn't skip school for two days in a week, I was just missing so much. Wait, or was it a Saturday?

I just felt so lost, so out of control. Like I was so disconnected from the world, from my life. I checked the time and date on my cell, to get a hold of my shaky world. Yes, it was a Saturday, thank goodness. It was fifteen minutes to nine. Knowing my mother, she would have already called a search party for me.


Despite my runny nose and pounding headache that nagged me not to move from my fairly comfortable position from the wall, I pulled my limp body up and trudged home.

"Mom! I'm home!" I yelled, as I entered the front door.

Mom rushed out carrying maple syrup, "When did you leave deary?", surprised.

"Mom, I didn't come home yesterday." Achoo!

"Sure you did! Eric brought you back, don't you remember?" She walked to the dining room.

I followed, irritated, partly because of my cold, partly because of my stiff neck from sleeping against the wall and partly because I already knew who was behind this.

"Then how do you explain my cold?" I challenging her.

"You left your window open, silly. Now go back up and rest if you need to dear." She turned around and gave me a small smile.

"Urgh! Fine! Whatever!" Frustration took over my senses, and stomped upstairs.

"That wasn't a punishment sweetie." My mother called from downstairs.

I slammed the door and indeed saw my open window. She must have snuck out through here. It was already starting to get chilly. I dragged my feet to my window. Then I saw something, a yellow Post-It note. It read:

"Hey, Bailey. You must be so jealous, I have the best boyfriend in the world! I brought him to the Enchanted Woods and he loved it there! You do have such a lovely bedroom. We made out and cuddled together for a while before he had to leave. While you however, had to sleep on the streets. Poor thing. Anyways, I'm pretty sure you want an explanation from me. Meet me at the alley tonight at nine. See you!

Tear filled

Bailey White"

Half laughing and half dying inside. Enchanted Woods? Ha! I bet she just made it up in her little note to make me even more broken.

I lay on my bed. Just before I had time to gather my emotions and convert them into a wave of hot tears, my phone beeped: Hey, babe! I had a great time yesterday. I loved that Enchanted Woods way too much! You just have to bring me back there. Love you.


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