Hospitalized and alone

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  After Nic woke up from his long ass 14 hour nap I made sure he was in good hands and told the nurses about Tom and not to let him in. I went back to where we first found the tapes and Walkman and I walked around the area for a little and heard some footsteps behind me. I turned around and there stood Tom smiling and twitching at the same time. "h-h-hey there" 

"Hey is for horses, well that joke is beating a dead horse so lets make it beating a dead human" his voice was high-pitched and frankly, scared me. I stood there frozen in fear. "what the fuck I do?" I whispered and to my surprise he said "Not a damn thing you can do" he began to circle me like a vulture hunting his prey. "You see, you can't stop me. So don't even think you can escape me." I swung at him and he grabbed my arm and gabbed a cleaver inside of it. "FUCK!"  I yelled

"Oh be quiet! That isn't even HALF of the pain you caused me!" 


"That's not what the bruises say" he lifted up his sleeve and I saw a combination of cuts and bruises. But something was off about the bruises. Instead of fist or circle shape they were more of a baseball bat shape other then a few twists and turns, and that's when I turned and ran. I somehow escaped and got to a hotel in Glenwood that's when I saw Tom I just about flipped my shit until I saw a creature approach him. I didn't get a good look at him, all I saw was Tom accepting him and talking to him, then the creature diapered with a passing car.

Hi, My name is TomHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin