“Autumn, Lucy, Carrie you three are the fastest, go down there and grab a bucket and leg it back here while we distract them.” With that, Nellie led her part of the group forward brandishing several water balloon. As soon as we heard the first water balloon go off we sprinted down the small slope and skidded to a halt in front of Eric standing in front of the buckets of goodness. His eyes were glazed with a malevolent glint as he looked at my obviously panicked expression. I mouthed, ‘I’ll take care of him’ gesturing towards Eric as I lunged forwards.

I landed on top of him, trying to keep him put, in between my struggles I briefly glanced up to see Lucy and Carrie making off with two buckets each, but that’s all I saw as I was flipped over. Eric now pinning me down. I felt my cheeks explode with colour as I noticed our proximity, the space between use becoming smaller and smaller as Eric started to lean down. My breath was coming out quicker now, much more ragged than usual, damn Eric and his stupid effect on me! His hot sensual breath nearly knocked me out, as I fought the urge to lean forward and run my hands through his hair.

A large thwack echoed in the air as water splashed over Eric’s head, small splatters of liquid soaking into my top. For a moment his eyes went wide in shock as he hurriedly got up and faced Lucy who was giggling like a little school girl as she scampered off. This was my chance, I quickly got up trying to follow Lucy, my pace only quickening as I saw Eric lunging towards a few water balloons and sprinting after me.

Not wanting to give away the clearing I veered off to the right, running mindlessly as I heard the fast rhythmic thudding of Eric close by. Turning around I saw that Eric was gaining on me. In wicked quick succession he threw his water balloons, all of them missing because of my awesome ninja-like skills, mwa-ha-ha-ha!

Bursting through the trees I came face to face with the pond. Immediately I stopped in my tracks, clutching my side as I tried to catch my breath. Eric came out seconds later, promptly scanning his surroundings and smirking like an evil genius. Holy sh*t!

“Oh no you don’t!” He leapt at me, swiftly picking me up and swinging me over his shoulder, heading straight towards the pond.

“Eric, I will seriously beat the living day lights out of you if you don’t freaking put me down. Eric! PUT ME DOWN!” All my shouts were to no avail as Eric scooped me up and threw me into the water despite my countess objections.

I gasped as the cold water slapped against my body, Eric quickly following and not wasting time by diving under. Seconds later I felt my ankle tugging me down, ensued by the rest of me. Forcing open my eyes I saw bubbles dance mockingly in front of my face as I waited for them to clear up. Sure enough as soon as my vision cleared I could just make out Eric smiling at me. Under-water scowling at him, I punched him in the chest loosening his hold, I took my chance and I kicked my self to the surface.

Stupid Eric, I was so going to get him for this! I swam to the shore and heaved myself up and caught my breath, waiting for Eric to show up. Thing is he didn’t. Minutes ticked by and I started to get a little paranoid. What if my punch was really hard and he couldn’t swim back up? Oh my god, oh my god, does that mean I murdered him?! Images of me being locked up flashed through my head. Without thinking I jumped back in, diving in and out of the water, looking frantically for Eric.

“Looking for something sweetheart?” I choked on my air as I turned my head in the direction of the annoyingly familiar voice. There, leaning on a tree, quite smug, was none other than the king of @ssholes. Eric. Glaring as hard as I could, I swam back to the shore making a beeline for him.

“You little prick! I thought I murdered you, then I’d have to go to jail, but that’s not the point I might never get to a ninja, maybe an evil ninja, but I don’t want to be evil ninja!” My voice came out squeaky and dry, from swallowing several very un-necessary gulps of water, and I was as you might have figured out on the verge of becoming absolutely coo-coo.

Chuckling he swiftly clamped a hand to my mouth. Stupid, stupid Eric. “Now, now language missy.” Rolling my eyes I let my tongue move over his palm, startled he quickly retracted as I smirked. “That was low, Autumn even for you.” Shaking his head he looked up at the sky, the sun boldly perching in the middle of the sky. Sh*t, the water balloon fight is supposed to be over at noon, grabbing Eric’s hand I started walking towards where I knew the path was.

We arrived just as Mrs. Howards was declaring the winners. “So I have counted up the total survivors in both teams and it seems the boys have won by one person.” Oh no she doesn’t.

“Wait, I didn’t get hit.” Mrs. Howards and every other pair of eyes turned to look at me skeptically. Confused I looked at my self, I was drenched. Crap, how do I explain this? “This isn’t what it looks like, I was thrown in the pond.” I gestured towards Eric who was silently chuckling. Rolling my eyes I lowered my voice so that only he could hear. “Why the hell are you laughing?”

“It seems you’ve taken quite a liking to my hand.” Confused I looked at his hand, correction our hands. Blushing hard I pulled my hand away and looked at Mrs. Howards.

“Ms. Richardson, I’m sorry but you have no evidence.” My eyes widened at what she was implying, I was not freaking lying! Shocked I looked to my right at Eric. That idiot was still laughing. He abruptly stopped as I elbowed him and he re- arranged his features as he began to talk to the short woman in front of him.

“No, no I saw it happen, she did indeed fall into the pond.” She narrowed her eyes at me, then him, then slowly nodded as if it was killing her to do so.

“That maybe true but I said the count will take place at noon, you’re late, your attendance will not count, perhaps if you’d have come earlier there would have a had a chance, alas the win goes to the boys.” With that she smiled a sickly sweet smile, that was obviously more of sneer as the boys broke into a roar of victory, some freaks performing a weird victory dance, which only made them look like they were having an epileptic fit.

Fuming I looked away and saw some girls looking at me sympathetically but others simply glaring at me as they reloaded there rifles for the onslaught of verbal abuse. Mentally flipping them off I started walking to the cabin, but then realised we couldn’t go there so instead I disconsolately walked back to Jason who was fist thumping the air.

“Awww, Autumn don’t worry I’ll get your stuff put it on your bed then sit on it so no one can try your bra on or some sh*t.” I punched him lightly on the shoulder but smiled anyway.

“Thanks, Jase.” He smiled in return and wrapped his arms around my shoulder walking me to Louise, who thankfully didn’t look that upset. Half way there someone blocked our path. Oh it’s just Cheryl a.k.a. Queen of the Bimbos. Sighing I placed a hand on my hip, impatiently tapping my foot, waiting for the sh*t that would, any moment now, be coming out of the little hole in her face.

“Who do you think you are, going after my future-boyfriend!” What the hell is she- oh wait I get it. Rolling my eyes I looked back at Eric who seemed to be talking to Chris.

“I’m not going after anyone, especially not after your ‘future boyfriend’, so now that’s all clear get out of my way.” Her features twisted into a sneer as words started to come out her mouth that really didn’t needed to be opened again. “Awww is Autumn upsety wetty?” First of all upsety wetty? And second of all that chick really needs to shut her trap. “Are you going to go crying to your mummy?” That did it. I pulled my fist back and hit her square on her fake little nose. Yes punching annoying pricks is becoming my favourite pass time.

Before I could strangle that skinny b*tch Jason dragged me away from the scene taking me off to the side, as blood started to flow openly through her nose just as the cricking noise faded. Eric soon joined us as Mrs. Howards applied first aid on Cheryl’s, I’m sure, broken nose.

“Autumn, what do you think you’re doing? If you keep this up, we’ll have to kick you out of camp.” I looked back at Eric, my eyes brimming with tears, his face softened instantly as the tears started to flow helplessly.

“You now what? Kick me out! I don’t care, okay, I just don’t. You don’t know how it feels to… to…” Sobs racked my body as I pushed Jason away, hurrying out into the woods in some random direction, I jut need to get away. Painful memories started to stab the back of my eyes as more tears chased each other down my tear streaked face. They can’t see me like this. They can’t.

I ran for I don’t know how long, I ran till I was pretty damn sure I was lost. Falling to the floor, I curled my self into a tight ball trying to deflect images of her, trying so hard but failing miserably…

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