Privileged {2}

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Chapter 2

                 A week had passed since my mothers passing, and in that week a lot has happened. First the funeral, which was held a couple of days after. I really couldn't tell you what happened in the funeral. I was dazed the entire time. I know a lot of people had shown up, because my mother was very loved in this town. Secondly, I hadn't left my house since, and no one would leave me alone. Everyone assumed they needed to come and say their condolences through out the entire week. Couldn't they just understand that I wanted to be left alone and in peace? I didn't want to hear one more "I'm sorry" or "sorry for your loss" or "I understand what you are going through." No, you don't fucking understand what I'm going through, Cus you're not me!

And Lastly, I was called down to the Police Station to discuss my living situation.

They had told me that I couldn't live at my house alone, because I was underage and I needed to live with a relative as soon as possible, but I had no living relatives. My mom's only living parent had passed away when I was Six years old. Her father passed away when she was only Ten. That thought just broke my heart, I was the last survivor in my family.

I was all alone.

"Sir, what relative? I have no fucking family left, so where do you suggest I go!" I yelled out frustrated at the officer.

The officer was a little taken back. He looked at me confused. I don't know why he was looking at me like that.

"Miss. Blackwood, according to our records you have one living relative. We have located and contacted your father. He should be arriving here shortly." The officer replied looking at my stunned face. I don't think I heard him right. Did he just say my father was arriving shortly? It couldn't be. My father doesn't know I exist. What shit is this guy smoking?

"Excuse me? Did you say my father?" I asked perplexed. "You must be mistaken Sir, my father doesn't know I exist." I finished.

"Yes I'm very aware of that Miss, we've been in contact with him all week. He was very shocked as well when we told him. He has all your information and he is very caught up with your situation. He has been filing papers and he has legal custody over you now."

"What the fuck! Are you shitting me? Where was I when all this was happening? You didn't think to contact me before you did any of this?" I practically screamed. I was getting the attention of the entire station. I was really pissed. I have been very emotional lately and they are fucking with me at the wrong time.

"Miss, please calm down. We have tried contacting you, but there were no answers. We've even had two officers come down to your house." The officer tried explaining to me nervously. They must've came when I got sick of all the visitors and locked myself in the room.

"I don't give a shit! You are not deciding things for me and I'm not living with a stranger. I'm fucking leaving!" I shouted as I started backing out.

Just as I turned around I slammed right into a figure. I looked up, and there standing was a very tall man who looked about he was in his early Thirties. He was dressed in a very tailored gray suit with shiny leather shoes. He looked very regal with his sleeked back hair and confident stance. I could smell money on this guy. There was no way he was from around here. His whole aura was enchanting.

"Hello, you must be Arian Blackwood." He spoke with so much assurance. He looked at me with his hands in his pocket. Who was this guy, and how did he know my name? Was he a fancy detective or something?

Was he my father?!

"Who's looking to know?" I responded with attitude.

He came very close to me. He lowered his head to take a look at my face. His face warmed up as he examined me. I stood there awkwardly for about a minute. Why was he checking out my face? His cologne was tingling my nose as he walked around to look at every inch of me. He smelled very nice and rich.

"My name is Ethan Blackwood, I believe I'm your father." He confirmed the words I was dreading to hear.

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Twenty minutes later we were on the road in his White Bentley Mulsanne Sedan, a car I was awestruck by for exactly Five minutes before I moved my ass to get in. It was very luxurious inside out. I've never ridden a car even close to this. The most expensive car I've ever ridden was Shawn's new 2014 Ford Fusion, and I thought it was the coolest thing, but this car just shits all over it.

I wasn't sure where he was taking me. I was still in shock and hadn't really spoken much at all. I looked out the window and where he was leading me started to look familiar. 'This was the road to my house.' I thought to myself. Just as I finished my thought we were pulling up to my driveway.

"You can go pack a few of your most valuable things. Don't pack any clothes or everyday essentials, all that has been already taken care of." He spoke before I could ask what we were doing here.

I just looked at him and nodded. I headed up the stairway into our house. As I went inside, for a moment I thought to myself, what if I go out the back door and just run away. Run away and stay hidden for a little bit and then come back to my beloved house. Why should I get my entire life moved? But as I looked around my house, all I was reminded of was my mother. The kitchen counter where she loved chopping food by hand even though there were electric choppers, or the living room sofa where she laid most of her days reading her favorite cookbook. Even the air smelled of her scent. Living here and coming home to an empty house everyday would be torture. I had to get out. Starting new was my best chance.

I quickly grabbed the frames of photos decorated around the living room of my mother and me. Then I looked inside the Tv cabinets to find a big photo album of us. We loved taking pictures. My mom wanted to cherish each memory we made. Right next to the album was her favorite cookbook, her hand writing was full of that cookbook. She circled her favorite recipes or put quotes about why she loves a specific recipe. It just brought me closer to her, I felt like if I had these things with me, she would always be with me. That thought brought a smile to my lips.

My mother will never be gone, because she still lives within me.

I knew I was going to be all right. She will be guiding me through every step. When I gathered all the things I can from downstairs, I quickly went up to my room to get the rest of my stuff. There wasn't much in my room, just a few more photos, my phone charger and iPod. As I was coming down, I heard footsteps. 'Who the hell is in my house' I wondered. Wandering around the living room was none other than my father. He turned and caught me staring at him with a confused look.

"I apologize if I'm intruding, I just wanted to see how you grew up." He said so formally.

Geez what is with this guy. Why does he talk so uptight? "I grew up just peachy, now can we get the hell out of here." I responded a little rudely.

"Yes, right away. There is a Jet waiting for us, so it won't be long until we are there." He said so nonchalantly while my eyes were gouged out. A freaking Jet? 

This was going to take a little getting used to.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2015 ⏰

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