Chapter 2

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Stiles cornered her in the hallway the next day.

"I know who you are." He said as he stood beside her locker as she got her books.

"A lot of people know who I am, Alexis McArgent, pretty used to people knowing me by now." Alexis laughed nervously, her uncle had always been way to nosy.

"You're their daughter. McArgent my ass, you combined McCall and Argent. Why are you here?" Stiles asked. Alexis sighed.

"Promise you won't tell?" She asked and Stiles nodded. "Okay well, you, from the future, gave me a spell book and I wanted to try it out, so I did a time reversal spell and it sent me back here." Alexis answered.

"Oh my god! Can I-" Stiles started but Alexis cut him off.

"No you cannot as about the future, it might warp the space time continuum." Alexis sighed. "Just... can you help me get back to my own time?" Alexis asked close to tears. She missed her family, even her annoying little brother.

"I'll see what I can do. Do you have a place to stay?" Stiles asked. Alexis shook her head. "Alright you can stay with me, on one condition." Stiles said.

"Anything." Alexis pleaded.

"Am I hot in the future?" He asked. Alexis wrinkled her nose.

"You're my uncle." She mumbled. Stiles gave her a look.

"Just answer the damn question." He said. Alexis sighed.

"I guess, your significant other thinks you're hot." Alexis said.

"Who do I get with?" Stiles asked.

"Lets just say that you're attractive to gay guys." Alexis said before shutting her locker and making her way to class.

"Meet me at my jeep after school!" Stiles called down the hallway. Alexis smiled.

"Sure thing uncel Stiles!" She called back before making her way to class. This was going to be a long day.

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