Say you'll be my Nightingale

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The last thing i remembered was listening to the rain hit the windshield of Demi's car, and the next thing moment i was waking up in a strange new house. I sat up real quick, the blanket that was draped over me fell to the ground. I looked around, the house was huge. Leather couch, Large Flat Screen Tv. The house seemed like it belonged to a celebrity. Demi! I looked closer at pictures up on walls or proped up on tables. I sat there wondering if i had woken up and walked into The celebritys house, but no. I coud remember no such thing. A soft hum floated into the room. Curiosity now piqued, I tip toed into the other room, which was a kitchen. There was Demi, dancing around the kitchen, frying something up on the stove. Her little white dog jumping around her. I walked into the kitchen. "Umm Demi?" I said quietly. The celebrity supn around, her hand over her heart. "Oh! Abby! You nearly gave me a Heart Attack." She said a smile on her face, mentally singing her song. "Sorry" I mumbled, playing with the hem of my shirt. "Hey," she tiped my chin up to look me in the eyes, "It's ok. Alright? Now, are you hungry?" I shrugged, feeling bad about taking her food. "Well you better be," she said putting two grilled cheese sandwich on the table, "I made you food, and you better eat it, because you are way to thin." I floated over to the table and hesitated before sitting down. As if on Cue my stomach growled causing me to blush and Demi to laugh. "Well it's a good thing i'm feeding you now, Wouldn't want you to starve" I hesitantly took a bite of the sandwich, not wanting to steal her food. I got halfway through the sandwich when i couldn't eat anymore, "Sorry," I said "B-but i can't eat any more..." Demi looked over at me. "It's fine, we can save it until you're hungry again."

We sat talking until Demi had finished her sandwich and put the rest of mine in the microwave. "Follow me" She told me, but took my hand. She led me up the stairs and into a large room, which i'm guessing is hers. We walked into her closet and she immediatly started handing me clothes. First it was a blue shirt before she took it and hung it back up, next it was a purple and it went back up just like the blue one, She finally pulled out a black one, mumbled a little bit before handing it to me, saying "This one should fit you" And handed me a pair of blue boxers from her dresser, "And these" She handed me a towel and led me into the bathroom. Tellinng me how to use the shower and what soaps to use, before leaving me to do me own thing. "She thinks you're disgusting looking, that's why she wants you to take a shower." A voice in my head said. "She's hoping it would make you look better." I held my head in my hands and pulled on my hair, hoping that would stop their cruel words.

I sighed staring at the shower before pulling my dirty clothes off and turning on the water. I sighed when the warm water hit me, it was forever since i was able to actually take a shower. I stood under the water, watching the mud go down the drain. It felt so good to actually wash my hair. I let the water hit me and run off until it went cold, making me decide to finally get out. I slowly walked down the stairs, my dirty clothes and towel in my hands. "Oh! Abby!" Demi stood up from the couch. I followed Demi into a little hallway. "So how was your shower?" She asked me. "Amazing." I said. She took the clothes from me and put them into the washer.

Normal POV

"Your hair is so beautiful!" Demi Gushed. She Held the girls long black hair in her hands twisting it into braids. "But it makes you look so pale. At least it complements your eyes." Yes, black does complement blue. The two were sitting on the couch, NCIS on the tv, when the lights suddently flickerd. Abby jumped, "It's ok." Demi told her, "It's just the lights flickering, it's nothing." Almost as soon as she had said that the room was plunged into darkness. The 14 year old screamed. "Ok... Don't worry. I'm here." Demi had grabed Abby's shaking hand and held it tight. A boom of thunder had covered the 22 year old's next words. "D-Demi" The girl had whispered, "I-I don't like t-thunder." Tears came to her eyes. The celebrity pulled her into a hug. "I'm not a huge fan of it either." Abby screamed into Demi's shoulder the next time the thunder boomed. "Ok... Why Don't we go to sleep?" Demi had suggested to the younger girl. "O-Ok." She shakily stood up, jumping and letting out a small scream each time thunder filled the air. The celebrity kept a tight grip on Abby's hand and led her up the stairs. "S-So where am I-I sleeping" A jump and a scream. "How about you sleep with me? That way you're not alone." She was about to protest, but another boom had made her jump, and scream. "Alright" she had replied, wanting to get away from the sound.

Demi had crawled into her bed first and through the spontanious lightning she could see Abby awkwardly standing next to the bed, shaking in fear. "Come on." Demi told her,thunder following her words. Next thing she knew Abby was under the covers, trying to block her ears. "Come here kiddo." and she pulled the girl into a hug. Who knew someone could be so frightened by thunder. Next came one of the loudest crash of thunder that the two have ever heard. Abby screamed and let out a sob, she burried her head into Demi's chest. The 22 year old held Abby, "Shhh... it's ok." She rubbed the girls back.

I can't sleep tonight

Wide awake and so confused

Everything's in line

But I am bruised

I need a voice to echo

I need a light to take me home

I kinda need a hero

Is it you?

I never see the forest for the trees

I could really use your melody

Baby I'm a little blind

I think it's time for you to find me

Can you be my nightingale?

Sing to me

I know you're there

You could be my sanity

But bring me peace

Sing me to sleep

Say you'll be my nightingale

Demi finished singing quietly. Abby,who seemed to have calmed down a little, pulled back from Demi, "S-Sorry" She whispered. "Hey, Don't worry about it ok? You're scared... At least you aren't on the streets right now." Demi picked up her phone from the bedside table 'I Need a Nightingale' she tweeted 'We're scared, Electricity went out and Now thunder.' And clicked send. Not even seconds later replies started flooding in. 'Who's the 'we'?' One had said, or 'I'll be your nightingale.' Some were sweet, some just plain creepy

Demi pulled the younger girl into another hug, cuddling her."C'mon lets go to sleep," she said sstroking the girls soft black hair. Abby shuddered another breath and closed her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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