A Passion For Trouble

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"Well, you're here early." Alex greeted as she walked through the doors of headquarters. Mitch turned around after plucking some papers off one of the desks.

"Good morning to you too." Plucking some papers off his desk, he scooted forward in his chair and quickly skimmed through the papers in his hand. "I had some paperwork that I needed to finish, so I ended up coming in a half an hour earlier than usual."

She glanced over at the clock that was sitting on the wall behind him. "You've really been here since six-thirty?"

"Just sent it in." He gestured over to the fax machine sitting on the far right corner of his desk.

"Sounds like fun. Anything new on the beach bandit?"

"Things have been quiet in terms of the mysterious beach bandit." Reaching into his desk, he pulled out a ballpoint pen and looked over the papers in his hand again. Every few seconds he would mark or write a word down before capping the pen again.

"It would be too much to wish they gave up stealing things. That or they know we're onto them."

Gliding over to the end of the desk, he punched in a sequence of numbers before feeding the papers into the machine."They do have an advantage to stealing things on a crowded beach."

Alex nodded in agreement. "Perhaps. But don't you think it's a little strange that they just stopped walking around the beach?"

"Hey April. Good to have you back." JD greeted her as he walked into the locker room; taking off his bag, he stuffed it into his locker.

She finished rubbing sunscreen over her arms. "Thanks. It's good to be back." Shutting her locker, she began walking to the door, then turned back. "Hey, I don't think I ever got to thank you for covering my shift on Tuesday."

"No problem. I know you would have done the same thing for me."

She gave him an appreciative nod and walked into the main area of the building. As she walked by Mitch waved her in as he held the phone up to his ear. "Tell you what, let me think about it and I'll give you a call back in a few hours." Leaning against the door frame, she watched him carefully. "Cal I've got to go." Hanging up the phone, he waved her in again when he realized her hesitancy. "April, just the person I wanted to see. I take it you're feeling better?"

"Much better, thanks."

"Good." He leaned forward in his chair. "I want you on beach duty today."

"Is this because of what happened last week?"

"Believe it or not, it actually has nothing to do with what happened." He reassured her. "We've been receiving reports of a beach bandit, who has been stealing people's belongings."

"Do we at least know what this person looks like?"

"Vaguely. The only clues we've gotten is that they're tall and wear a black hooded jacket that's too big on them."

"That doesn't help, since they can pull the jacket off and blend in with everyone else."

"Then you'll see why I need a fresh pair of eyes on this." Mitch told her, easing her discomfort slightly as he handed her a radio. April nodded her understanding and walked out of headquarters.

Once on the beach, April began making her way down the beach, keeping an eye out on those who were heading out into the water, as well as those on the beach. And especially those who might be exhibiting behavior of the beach bandit.

The beach was starting to get crowded, even in the late morning sun. Some were digging into their bags to pull out snacks, water and sunscreen, which made it even harder to pinpoint someone that looked like they were trying to blend in with everyone else.

Halfway down the beach, Mitch caught up to her in his truck. "Anything?"

"Nothing." April shook her head as she took a second look around. "So far it just looks like a normal day on the beach."

"Huh. I would like to think that maybe they learned their lesson, but that's probably far from it." Mitch gripped the steering wheel, ready to continue driving down the beach. "Hop in. We'll go check down further by the cliffs and see if there's anything to worry about."

As they got nearer to their destination, they located a boy standing with his feet in the water, a discarded black hoodie in the sand.

"Think that's him?" April inquired, peering out of the car.

"There's only one way to find out." Mitch put the truck into park and they both got out. The boy didn't even flinch as the doors slammed closed. Upon further inspection, purple bruises stuck out on his white skin, like a sore thumb. April and Mitch exchanged a look before cautiously making their way towards the boy. "Beautiful day, isn't it?"

The boy shrugged but continued to stare out at the water. "I didn't really notice."

"Ah, he speaks."

"Not like many people talk to me, anyway." The boy huffed and took another step into the water.

"Why not? You seem like a nice enough kid."

"I don't believe you." His blue eyes narrowed. "And how do you know anyway? You don't even know me."

"You're right. I don't know you." Mitch held his hand up apologetically. "I'm Mitch and this is April."

He looked them up and down, although most skeptically." Cody. Are you guys some kind of beach patrol?"

"Yeah, you could say we're something like that." The boy took another step into the water, which nearly covered his legs up to his shins. "Where are your parents, Cody?"

This time the boy took a couple more steps, then stopped cold at the mention of his parents. "They're probably at home, drinking beer and staring at the TV. Do you mind? I'm about to swim in the ocean."

"Not at all. But I have to ask how you got those bruises on your back?"

"Probably from hitting rocks." Taking a full run into the ocean, he disappeared underneath the water.

"An abused boy, whose parents drink-" Mitch began, keeping an eye on the water.

"It would make sense if he ran away and has been living on the beach for the past week." April agreed, just as the boy surfaced for air just a few feet near a rocky area.

"At least we know has some swimming skills." Mitch concluded, gesturing over to Cody. "And a deep passion for trouble. Look where he's headed. Cody!"

"Cody!" April yelled over the growing waves, but Cody didn't look back as he swam closer to the rocks. "It's no use. I don't think he can hear over the roar of the waves."

"Keep an eye on him while I call for backup." Mitch instructed as he headed back to the truck. "We don't go in the water unless it's absolutely necessary."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2019 ⏰

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