Unsettling Thoughts

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When April woke up the next morning, she stretched out on the bed; her eyes opening to a golden morning flow as she thought about the night. At one point, she stretched her hand out to the other side of the bed and caught a glance at the clock.

Her eyes widened at the fact that it was now 8 o'clock and she had exactly an hour before she had to report to work. As she had been a bit under the weather the night before, she had forgotten to set her alarm.

She groaned, hopping out of bed and gathering some clothes to wear before taking a quick shower. When she walked into the kitchen, she was now wearing a maroon shirt and jeans; her hair still wet and wavy as she padded in to find her shoes and keys.

"I thought I heard you up." Daniel mentioned, scooping some eggs onto a plate. "Hungry? I made eggs."

"Yeah." April answered, partially distracted as she looked around the living room. "Did you see where I put my keys?"

"They're probably still in your bag by the door. Are you planning on going somewhere?"

"I didn't call anyone to cover for me." Her expression lit up slightly as she found her keys at the bottom of her bag. "You know you didn't have to stay." Her gaze fell towards the blanket hanging off the couch.

He walked over and kissed her forehead, as if he were checking to see if she was sporting a fever. "I wanted to."

"Like I said before. . . I really think it was just nerves."

"So what made you nervous about going?"

April shrugged lightly as they returned to the kitchen. "I've just never been one to talk about my feelings."

"Now that's true."

She glared at him, then couldn't resist smiling at his boyish grin. "I guess I got it from my dad. He never did like talking about things, which always made it difficult to hold a conversation with him."

"Do you really think it's a good idea to go in today?"

"Did you miss the part where I said that I didn't have anyone to cover my shift? Besides, I've already taken off a couple times in the last week; first when Alex told me take some time off, and now when I had to take off early to go to my appointment-which I now have to take more time off for." She cupped her hand against the side of her face, as if she were shielding her eyes from the sun, or warding off a headache.

"Hey, look at me." He called softly as she slowly met his gaze. "I have no doubt that you're going to make it through this. I am going to be here for you every step of the way. You have your friends and family to lean on and everyone at Baywatch. No one blames you for what happened."

He knew that he had said the wrong thing when her expression grew darker. "His pregnant wife does. You know what the sad thing is? She didn't even get to tell him that she was having their baby."

"Look at me." He called firmly, which got her to meet his gaze again. "What happened is not your fault. I'm sure you did everything you could to save that man, so that he could go back to his wife, but it didn't work out that way."

April shook her head, fighting back the tears. "I could have tried harder. I shouldn't have let him get back into the water-"

"Shh...come here." Scooting the stool closer to hers, he pulled her into his lap, holding her close and allowing her to cry all the emotions she had been holding inside.

"I think my eggs are cold." She quipped after settling down a little.

"Want me to heat them up?"

A Call For Help (Baywatch)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon