A Story To Tell

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"JD." Alex greeted as they walked down the stairs to headquarters. "Aren't you usually off on Tuesdays?"

"April called me last night and asked if I'd take her shift. She said something about a 24-hour bug. I take it she didn't call you?"

"I went running and then I was home for the rest of the night." Alex groaned. "I knew there was something going on yesterday, especially when she didn't show up for her break."

"I think she just needed time to think." She glanced over at him as he held his hands up in surrender. "Her words, not mine."

"Thanks, JD." Returning back to headquarters, Alex sat down behind her desk. For a moment, she contemplated not calling, but knew she was responsible for taking care of all the lifeguards here at Baywatch, especially when she knew something wasn't right.

Hi, you've reached April Giminski... I'm not here right now. Leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

"There's that look again." Mitch offered as she hung up the phone. He was standing in front of her desk, with a piece of paper in his hand.

"Did April tell you she wasn't coming in today?"

Resting his hand against the desk, she peeked at the paper in his hand. "I've barely been in my office all morning, so I haven't had time to check my messages yet. If you're that worried, you should go."

"Excuse me?"

"You know you're not going to stop worrying until you know she's okay. So go. I'll take care of things until you get back."

"That's actually the best idea I've heard all day." "Instead of arguing with him, she grabbed her bag off her desk. He looked stunned that they weren't actually not arguing about something. "I'll let you know what happens."

Having looked at the address many times, Alex stood in front of apartment twenty-four. She knocked once, listening for any response. Nothing. As she knocked again, April finally opened the door, dressed in blue pajama pants and a long sleeved t-shirt. "Let me guess, you forgot your keys again? Alex, what are you doing here?"

"Who forgot their keys?" Alex inquired, looking slightly confused as she stood at the door.

"My boyfriend." April stuttered, opening the door wider so she could enter. "Sometimes he forgets his keys to my apartment and I usually find him waiting outside." She followed her into the kitchen, where eggs were cooking on the stove.

"How long have you been together?"

"Almost a year." Flipping the eggs in the pan, April added. "We broke up for awhile and just recently decided that we would try again."

"Sometimes it takes a break to know what you're missing."

"Don't I know it." April pressed her lips together, while thinking about her first impression of Alex; headstrong, tough and had a hard edge to her manners. As the weeks flew by, April learned that underneath it all was a woman who held a good sense of humor and was very protective of those around her. "I guess JD told you I wasn't feeling well?"

"He did. "Said you might have the 24 hour bug that's going around." Alex nodded, ruffling through her purse and pulled out a rather large bottle of Pepto Bismol and set it on the counter. "Thought you could use this."

"Thanks. You really didn't have to do all this." A smile pulled at the corners of her mouth. Her voice was hoarse as she read the directions on the back of the bottle. "This medication may interact with other medications. Well good thing I don't take any other medications."

"That's always a plus."

"If it gets me back to work sooner, I'll take it." Taking the seal off, she poured the recommended amount and swallowed. "I forgot this stuff tastes like chalk."

A Call For Help (Baywatch)Where stories live. Discover now