Chapter Fifteen: It Was A Crappy Move.

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The atmosphere around us lost its amusement and childish plays, replaced with a thick tension that I couldn't quite explain.

We stared into each others eyes for a while none of us saying anything. But unexpectantly Aiden leaned down. Before my mind processed on what was about to happen, aidens lips captured my lips with his. To say I was shock was an understatement, but Sam and Lexi told me that if ever a guy that you like kisses you, you should kiss back.

Oh god I sound like a little kid who's learning his first word. Pathetic.

Yes, that is correct, I developed a little crush on Aiden a few months back, but now well I don't think it's just a feeble crush. As I pushed those thoughts away, I couldn't quite shake the feeling that someone was watching us.

Aiden lifted himself up picking me up along with him as he places me in his lap, never breaking the kiss. He trailed his hands up my arms to my cheek leaving jolts of electricity there, but it was nothing compared to the sparks I felt on my lips.

My hands absentmindedly went around his neck playing with his brown hair, getting tied up in it. That's when I realised what
I was doing. I was kissing my best friend and not my boyfriend.


I shoved Aiden's chest lightly and stood up. I picked up my gun and waited for him to do the same. As I waited I walked out the cave like thing. I closed my eyes as I was met with a draught of wind. Immediately, I began to mentally beat myself up.

I can't believe I just kissed Aiden when I'm going out with Zach, my first boyfriend for pete's sake.

As I waited for Aiden, I could hear him hit and kick the walls in aggravation, giving soft screams and mumbling things under his breath. When Aiden finally came out, we walked to the front where we gave off our jumpsuits and guns. I can't believe that I still wanted more from that kiss, my lips still had a tingling sensation and I resisted every urge to pull him closer to me and kiss him again.

What the fudgenuggets was I saying? This is my best friend. For the love of God, please take these absurd things out of my mind.



As we were running I could hear Emi's light laughter which made me laugh too and run after her faster. I watched as she ran into a cave. I followed but I never expected her to come to a stop, so I bumped right into her making me land ontop of her small frame.

Emily has the most amazing eyes I have ever seen with glasses or not. That's one of the things I love so much about her, beside's her personality that is.

Emily is pretty amazing, she's beautiful, funny, smart, cute, adorable in fact and-

and she has a boyfriend. My inner voice says.

Yeah that might be right.

She stares into my eyes almost like she's having a mental conversation with herself. I can't take it anymore, I can't keep this to myself. Emily doesn't know what she's doing to me and if she keeps going out with Zach she'll never know.

I like Emily, no scratch that. I LOVE EMILY. Ever since we were younger, the first day I met her I thought she was pretty and after those years when we grew older I could see she was becoming a beautiful woman. If only Emily knew what she has done to me everything would be great.

Especially to hold her in my arms, to kiss her cheek and to tell her I love her and I'll always be here for her.

Before I even knew what I'm doing my lips were on hers. She didn't react to the kiss so I thought i done the wrong thing. Doubt got the best of me as I wanted to pull back but Emi moved her lips in sync with mine.

That was enough to make me go crazy. She tasted like strawberries which was intoxicating and she smelt like strawberries mixed with watermelon and forest, in other words she smelled and tasted amazing.

I lifted my body up along with hers and pulled her into my lap. My hands trailed up her arms and cupped her cheeks. I could feel her shiver under my touch, igniting a deeper feeling inside of me.

Her hands finally went around my neck and tugged lightly on my hair. But it all ended too soon. It's almost like reality snapped into her head and she shoved me away.

To say I was heartbroken was an understatement. I thought she'd maybe see what I'm trying to tell her but Millie's always been oblivious to things around her.

She walked away carrying her gun. I made sure she was out of the cave before I stood up kicking and hitting the wall with anger filled screams.

''How could I have been so stupid.''I mumbled under my breath.''She'll never like me after that trick I pulled.''

I kicked the wall once more before I walked out with my gun in hand. We gave the jumpsuits and gun back to the people and left the place. The silence wasn't as uncomfortable as I thought it'd turn out to be but it was a bit uncomfortable nevertheless.

''You know you owe me a new pair of sneakers.''I desperately tried breaking the silence."Because I really liked this pair.''

''Well you should've thought of that when you said we're going paintballing.''She laughed.

''Okay, I admit, it was a crappy move.''I chuckled.

And not just speaking about my sneakers too.

''You think?''She asks rhetorically.''Pfft,more like know.''

''Hey.''I whined.

She just laughed and turned her head out of the window, the silence reappearing. The silence made me wonder if she was angry at me. If she was ever going to speak to me again.

Mahn, I totally screwed up, Eh? think I just ruined all chances of me getting to be with Emily.

I Fell In Love With My Best Friend. [ON HOLD]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon