Bonus Chapter: Rogue Descendants

Start from the beginning

Darius couldn't be more elated.

"Of course,"

It was a good thing his mother had to meet up with their allies that were dealing with pirates. This was his chance.

"Kadi and Isabelle will show you what needs to be done in case of an attack," Isaac looked him in the eye. "Don't set the throne room on fire this time,"

"To be fair, that wasn't entirely my fault,"

Upon the glare he received, Darius swallowed his words.

"Okay, I promise. I'll be careful,"

With that, the king strode out of the tower with the girl that had jet-black hair and left his son with the two women.

"So..." Darius rubbed his hands together, "What you got?"

The blonde cleared her throat and Darius tilted his head to the side. She was remarkably pretty and he wondered why she would choose to be a Tinker, as he called all inventors.

"Well," Isabelle motioned for Kadi to hand over the parchments. "There's a whole bunch of ways to slay these monsters and with the use of our weapons, we don't need to rely on Osyren's fire in case of his absence," She handed him the sketches and he looked them over before turning back to her with a bored expression.

"When can I actually use them?" he asked, stepping to a contraption that looked like a cannon.

"Don't touch that!"

Had it been anyone else, they would have been met with his fists or his blade. But he was curious and asked why not as innocently as he could manage.

Which wasn't much.

"Unless you wanna burn your hand off, go right ahead," she huffed.

He grinned and retracted his hand, noticing Kadi roll her eyes and take a seat by a desk, seemingly working on more sketches.

"Tell me more about these machines of yours, Tink," Darius drawled.

She gave him a look. "Tink?"

"Short for Tinker," he clarified. "You are one after all,"

She pushed her fringe out of her blue eyes and glared at him. "I'd prefer if you called me by my real name, Your Highness,"

"Which is...?"

Darius couldn't say he didn't enjoy riling her up.

"Isabelle Feran,"

He blinked at that. She was the daughter of the greatest archer, Neil Feran? And Royal Guard, Lady Raine? Interesting.

"I prefer Tink,"

She stomped over to a strange contraption and held up the nozzle and aimed it at him. "This is a flame thrower," she said through gritted teeth. "Don't make me use it,"

The door opened to reveal a young man with auburn hair that was tied back at his nape with a few strands framing his face.

He signed a greeting to Kadi and turned to Isabelle.

"Hey, Izzy," he smiled. "Mrs Gray said she lost your brothers again when they were out in the gardens and she needs your help finding them,"

Isabelle groaned and put down the flame thrower.

Darius aimed his glare at the red-head. The one person that he just couldn't seem to beat at hand-to-hand combat.

Will Dralon.

A blacksmith's apprentice.

Darius' jaw ticked at the knowing grin the red-head gave him.

Damn him!

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