Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

*shawn pov*
I just caught Taylor kissing this guy . I broke up with her . See I only dated Taylor to make Angeleena mad and feel like such a dick and I was so fucking mean to her . I decided to walk over to her house and talk .
1 knock no awnser
2 knock no awnser
3 knock no answer
So I just decided to walk in , I go upstarts to find her room locked and I am worried now I break down the door and find Angeleena on the floor with pills around her .
Now I am in full on tears . This is all my fault I was such a dick to her and I already knew her life was bad enough I push on her stomach and thank god , she pukes and wakes up and sees me giving me the confused look and then she falls asleep . I clean her up and tuck her in her bed and stay there until she wakes up .
*angeleena pov*
I wake up in my bed to find Shawn looking at me . Once he figures in awake he says
"I am so sorry I was so Mean too you , I don't know why I flipped out I feel like a piece of shit knowing i did this too you and this is all my fault you are my best friend and I am so sorry I treated you like this , you at my world and I love you so much , I am so sorry and I understand if you can't forgive me now but I am so sorry " he says and then I break down in tears and hug him I sit there crying and hugging him for a good 30 mins .
"Jack told me he loved me after I saw him kissing Anna and he said she was all over him when he told her to stop and I walked in and then he said how Much he loved me and he felt it and then I said I love you too I just don't wanna get hurt and then he just has not talked to me and I don't even know where he is and I love him too it's just I feel so bad and I just feel like dieing"
And then I hug him and start crying again
Shawn - I say
Yes - he says
Are you still mad at me? - I say
No , I never Should off - he says
Oh okay good - I say
Listen , I can tell you love jack , i will talk to him , it may hurt me but is for you and remember I am here WHENEVER you need me just like before 💖 - Shawn says
Yes , thanks you Shawn so much , I love you so much - I say
*jack pov*
I really miss Angeleena ! Why did I freak out at her like that? All she said was I don't wanna get her! Like any other girl would! I feel like a jackass !
I hear a knock at the door?

It's Shawn ? Really
Yes?? I say
Listen Angeleena is really upset about you and her .. She
What?!? I say getting mad
She tried to kill her self I made her like luckily Shawn says
Omg really? I say as tear fill my eyes
I'm am so sorry I got mad at her ! I say
Thanks you so much Shawn I am gonna talk to her I say and run out the door
*shawn pov*
I am happy Jack is gonna go talk to Angeleena , see I would do anything to be with her .
I got mad because she said she was jealous and I know she did not like me that way and I was confused Idk I just hope bad things stop happening .
Angeleena pov
Yes - I say
I head jack walking up the stairs Into my room , after a while I got used to his footsteps .
I am so sorry angeleena , I never knew I hurt you this bad - jack says about crying
I know , I love you so much jack and you got so mad and I know how you can get mad easily but I thought you would never to me - I say
I know to , I love you so much and I understand you can't forgive me now , but let me know - jack says and gives me a kiss on the head and walks out .
Only 735 words 😭 but this chapter was really sappy I geuss idk 💖 ! I like this book so far! Xox 👍✌️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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