Why Me?

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I remember when I was thirteen, which was only three years ago, I had the idea that as soon as I turned fifteen I would be able to get rid of my bodyguards. I thought I would be free, free to be able to go out and not have to be the center of attention at the mall or anywhere i went. I felt as though I was the president's daughter! At that age I was not aware why I had to be so protected, but then I found out. As you may be wondering, why is it that I live this way? 

Well, let me explain to you, my family is in the drug dealing business. The day I was given this information I was told I was to train to defend myself because at the age of seventeen I would take charge of the business. Ever since that day, I would find myself dreaming about that normal life I so desperately wanted. 

Today is Monday, worse day of the week, and I had school today. I drag myself out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. After my shower I blew dry my hair before straightening the top and curling the ends of it. I walked back to my room and sat on my vanity desk to start on my makeup, I applied foundation, concealer, bronzer, blush, light eyeshadows, eyeliner and mascara.  I then moved to my closet and pulled out a black blouse with some baby pink jeans as  well as a blazer of the same color. I paired my outfit with some cute black heels and a black clutch. I then moved to my jewelry box and pulled out my signature ring with some earrings, my bracelet, and applied some lip gloss.

I went to grab my backpack and headed down stairs to get a small breakfast. When I walked into the kitchen I saw my mom's small body moving around trying to get everything ready for my brother, sister, and me. I have always loved my mom's black hair, I was my mother's spitting image, with big brown eyes, same thin lips, and small bodies. I kissed my mom in the cheek and said "good morning mom."

She smiled back at me and handed me my coffee and breakfast before yelling at my siblings to hurry up as they rushed  down the stairs. I kissed my mom bye when she pulled me back. "Be careful Leila, don't stay away from your bodyguard," said my mom.

"Mom, I'll be alright, I'll just be home late tonight but I'll call you okay? I love you mom, bye" I said in a rush as i got in the passenger seat of the car. I turn to look at my siblings in the backseat and told them to put on their seat belts before nodding to the driver as a sign that we were ready. As soon as I arrived to school I went looking for my friends, in which my boyfriend of two years is included. 

"Hey guys, what's up!" came my voice as I approached my group of friends. Daniel, my boyfriend, turned to look up at me after I shut his DS off and gave me a warm kiss that made my stomach erupt with butterflies. I sat next to him, with his arm around me, "so babe, you finished the homework?" 

"Please Daniel, as if Leila would ever do her homework!" my friend Casandra spoke, we all laughed at her comment but no one spoke up after that. I pulled out my homework and started working on a few assignments before the bell rang. 

A few minutes passed by until we heard the warning bell ring, we all collected our stuffs and parted our own ways. "See you later guys," called Cassie as she left her own way. Daniel grabbed my hand as he walked me to my class, "so I take it you wont be able to make it to the party tonight? I mean, you were dropped off by that strange dude again, weren't you? Who is he anyways?"

"Daniel, you know he's not a 'strange dude'. He's a friend of the family and my mom just asked him to drop me off, but I will go to the party. I'll find a way to make it okay babe? I love you see you later," i said before going inside my classroom.

The lesson went by quickly and I soon found myself walking to second block while talking to May about the party that night. I find it a tiny bit stupid to have a party on a Monday night, then again what a better way to start the week dancing, having fun, and maybe a little drinking right? We were discussing the possibilities of been able to sneak away from the bodyguards, May has known about my bodyguards and the business, and honestly it seemed impossible to sneak away from them. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2015 ⏰

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