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Quick Note!!
Sorry guys I'm back its been a while! I took a internet hiatus I needed a break I was loosing my sanity but IM BACK AND THIS WILL BE A LONG CHAPTER love you
Oh and thanks for the nearly 200 views ;) <33

Rowan's POV
I haven't spoken to him in a day or two. I know I said I really really liked him but things just felt different and that needed to change but I need to think about some things.

Peyton's POV
It kills me that I haven't talked to or seen her!! I can't go hours without texting her so this is just stressful. I want to talk to her and I have texted her but I guess she just needs time to think.

Sabrina's POV
Seeing Row sad is really hard but I know that just leaving her to sit and think about what she wants and what she needs is best so I have a fun day planned with Corey Peyton and Bradley! Peyton is coming so we can talk mainly but I kinda like Bradley ;) and Corey is just a good friend so he has to come.

Bradley's POV
I meet Sabrina Peyton and Corey at a coffee shop as our first stop on our "day of fun" Sabrina planned for us.
"Hey!!" I say to them
"Hey" they say simultaneously
"Why don't you guys order and I'll get a table."
"Don't you need to order?"Sabrina says
"I already did but thanks." I say with a wink and a little flirty.

Sabrina's POV
I think Bradley was flirting with me... probably not but oh well.
We order coffee and some food and sit down.
"So Peyton how are you doing?" Corey says
If this was anyone else at the table asking he would flip but him and Corey are tight
"Um I'm not completely sure we uh we haven't talked in a few days." You can see his eyes welling up.

Sabrina's POV
"OKAY so how's everyone's food?"
Mmmmm- Good!! Everyone murmurs and Peyton is just staring and stabbing at his salad. I just leave him be and continue to talk to Bradley and Corey.
Corey asks Peyton to go outside with him I'm guessing to talk to him and get him out of his funk so we can have fun.

Corey's POV
"Hey! Peyton you alright dude? No response great! Come on you need some air!"
"Alright dude you can't be like this! We are suppose to be having a day of fun not a day of sadness!!"
"Okay. I'm really upset that she hasn't talked to me and I don't know why she won't say A WORD TO ME!" Peyton says getting quite loud.
"Okay!! Okay!! Calm down you are making a scene!" I say
"I LOVE HER AND SHE WONT TALK TO ME. I DONT WANT TO LOSE HER." Peyton basically screaming at this point
"OKAY DUDE. I get it now talk to her gosh dang it!"

Sabrina's POV
I'm inside alone alone with Bradley and we just talk and talk and talk and he asks me out!!! Yay!! As I see Peyton and Corey walk back in our faces drop and whiteness covers our faces. He's been sobbing and screaming. Over her.
"I have to go talk to you guys later?." Peyton tells us
"Yeah! See ya" Bradley says
"What happened??"
Corey explains it all and we get up and walk out not knowing what to do now. Now that we are on such a tight wire. Now that I know my best friend will be facing such a big part of her life that I can't be apart of. I'm crushed and scared.

Peytons POV
I'm walking over to her house in dismay and sadness but also confidence and excited ness.
I finally get the courage to knock on the door and Mr. Blanchard opens it.
"Oh hi Peyton. I'm not sure that Rowan wants company right now."
"Sir this is very important"
When he lets me in I go upstairs and take a deep breathe not knowing what to say or what to do when ever I see her face. All I know is that I am going to be a mess.

Rowan's POV
I hear a knock on my door and I open the door.

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