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A Few months ago,Nicole Argents world flipped upside down in the worst possible way. After the alpha pack and Darach had been defeated,the pack thought,actually hoped,that there troubles and near death experiences had ended there,but no,of course they didn't.

Stiles,her closest thing to a brother,had been possessed by a thousand year old evil Japanese spirit,a nogitsune. To top that,demons called Oni were on the lose,searching for this evil spirit so that they could kill it.However,Void was able to gain control of the Oni and Nicole was prepared to go join Jackson Whittemore in England since he attempted to get the little girl whom was like a sister to him to join him in the first place. But,Nicole stayed and was able to hold her older sisters hand while the life drained out of her after killing an Oni then being stabbed by one.

Now,Nicole was a freshmen,and a very angry freshmen at that. After her sisters death,her father and Isaac left to go to France as if the 14 year old girl was nothing,as if she didn't exist. Nicole wanted to go with them,she didn't want to stay in Beacon Hills with the constant reminder her sister was never coming back and Stiles,her older brother,wasn't the one pushing the sword into her abdomen,still was part of it. So the teenager took Jackson up on his offer and left to go live in England,leaving the pack with 3 Argent's gone.

But now Nicole was returning back to Beacon Hills,not because she missed her friends dearly,but because Jackson pleaded for her to get far away from him after a slip up the rich boy had where he almost killed the young teen. Nicole would've gone somewhere else if she knew anyone else,but she knew she couldn't run from her demons forever.

So here she was outside of Beacon Hills High School,prepared to start her second semester of freshmen year.

Nicole left Beacon Hills as a scared,weak girl who cried all the time.Yes,she knew how to fight very well,but was to scared to use her skills -was.

Nicole came back to Beacon Hills,brave and strong causing everyone to question what exactly happened in England.

Nicole still cares about her old friends,but she likes her new one a lot too,Liam Dunbar.However,he may be closer to her old friends than she thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2015 ⏰

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