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"April." Alex called out as they passed in different directions on the stairs leading to headquarters "I heard what happened yesterday. How are you doing?"

"I'm alright." Shrugging, April tapped the sunscreen bottle against her hand. "Work is keeping me busy."

"Have you given any more thought to the counseling we discussed last week?"

April nodded hesitantly. "I actually have a session later on today."

Alex didn't look totally convinced, but went with it. "Okay, good."

"I should get back."

"Go. We'll talk later." Waving her off, she watched as April disappeared around the building, before heading in.



He put the pot back into the machine. "You look like you've just encountered someone causing trouble. Coffee?"

"No, thanks." She paused in between collecting her thoughts. "I just had a talk with April."

"I bet that was fun." Mitch took a sip. "I saw her walk out of here but haven't gotten a chance to speak with her since she came back."

"Yeah...well, I know it can't be easy for her being back here, and having everyone ask how she's doing. I can't help but notice that she seems to be avoiding us and everyone else here at Baywatch as much as possible.

"It's her first day back. She probably just needs time to adjust and get back on her feet. So if that means that we have to act like everything's normal, then that might be the way to go."

Alex closed her eyes momentarily. "You're probably right. I can't stop thinking about the day I found her crying hysterically in the shower. I listened to her blame herself over and over again, and then had to literally had to drag her out of here when you brought his wife in."

"She was pretty upset when I had to break the news. Probably just as upset as the wife was."

"April did say she had an appointment later on today, but I think she's going to keep blaming herself until she gets help."

"Which you already suggested. April is smart, we just have to believe that she'll make the right decision." He mentioned, feeling her doubts about the situation.

April scanned the beach with her binoculars, as she sat up on the tower. She couldn't help but smile as she watched two young girls building their own versions of sandcastles, while their mothers soaked up the sun. Another mom was at the water's edge with her son, both splashing each other back and forth. And then there was a man that looked like he was getting ready to swim a marathon as he paced himself in the water.

She knew by now not to discount anything and kept an eye on everyone, especially those who were in the water, or were getting in. It only took a few minutes to get in trouble and drown, no matter if the water was choppy or not.

Focusing, she scanned over the beach again and felt quite satisfied that things were okay there. Then she scanned over the water again, which turned out to be quite lively in most places. More people were out in the water now than a few minutes before-which made it harder to keep an eye on everyone-at least she wasn't the only one watching out for the beachgoers.

Her stomach fluttered slightly as she no longer saw the man swimming in the water. Her first instinct was that he had gotten out, but when she saw him floating face down in the water, she absently pulled the phone off the hook and grabbed the rescue can.

All the many hours of experience kicked in as she ran across the sand and dove into the water; steadily pacing herself until she had reached the man. As she was heading back, Mitch had dove in and met her halfway, taking the man from her so she could swim in.

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