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Vivian p.o.v

I groaned as my head pounded. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around I was in a cell.

"Ah...good your awake." A voice said. I turned and saw zero. I jumped and hit my head letting a yelp loose.

I rubbed my already aching head. "What do you want?" I asked. "You to join the black knights. We could use a pilot with your skill."

I made a 'tch' sound

"Why would I trust you." I asked well more stated.

His helmet clicked. "Because..." he lifted and removed his helmet. I gasped. "I trust you." Lelouch said.

"Your zero!"I exclaimed. He simply laughed.

"So will you join me? Help me make Japan a free nation? Will you help me slay the beast that is Brittania?" He asked.

"I..d..I don't know." I replied

"Well then let me help you. I Lelouch Vivian Brittania command you.." he said while swiping his hand across his eye revealing the bird shape symbol

I gasped.

"Join me!" The geass sailed into my eye. Nothing happen.

"So will you join me?" He asked again.

"H.. how did you..." I stuttered. His expression looked shocked. "why dose it not affect you!" He yelled. "I haven't used it on you before!" He walked over to me and grabbed me by my jacket lifting me up. "DO YOU HAVE GEASS!" He shouted.


"DO YOU!!"

I was terrified and I shook. My eyes wide with fear."yes." I whispered. He dropped me . My hair covered my face. "Yes.. I ...I never wanted it. I was born with it." I said. I felt tears go down my cheeks.

Lelouch calmed down a bit.

"What is your geass?"

I whipped my eyes and looked at him. "I can't use it anymore." I said.

"Why!?" He demanded

"An accident a couple years ago. Before my mom died she locked away my geass. Making me unable to use it. But so other geasses don't affect me." I said.

"Why am I here. Why can't I go home?" I asked.

His eyes softened. "You will . We are dropping you off later today."

"Lelouch. I won't tell anyone. Ill also help. Give you information for the inside while making it look like I'm on there side." I said. His eyes widened then he smiled. I didn't understand what happen next. My eyes widened as he pulled me into a tight hug. He pulled away. "Sorry about this."

"About what?" I asked suddenly something collided with my skull and I fell to the ground darkness surrounding me.

Louloch p.o.v
Perfect she feels right into my hand. Vivian fell for everything best part my geass didn't work on her she did it willingly. I smirked and guards dragged her out. I smile faded when I saw the cuts on her arms and blood in her hair. I didn't thing the would hit her that hard. I had put a few cuts on her to make it look believable. It pained me to do it but it needed to be done.

I watched as they dragged her and her knightmare out to the drop off. I'm sorry Vivian but it's what must be done.
Suzaku. P.o.v

The sent me with a small knightmare square on a little mission. We got a report claiming the blab

Black Knights where attacking. As we approached something shined on my screen. I zoomed in to see the Artemis! I quickly zoomed over. I didn't care if this was a set up. I spotted and opened my hatch.

I quickly climbed down. I ran and stumbled over to the knightmare. The hatch was open. The sight before me made me stop. My eyes went wide and I chocked on air. Vivian lay there limp. Cuts on her legs soaked her white pants. The ones on her arms looked deep. Her gloves and jacket were splattered with red. Red blotches were in her messed blonde hair that hung in her face. Which looked scary pale. Her head lay simply against her right shoulder. Her eyes closed a pained look on her face. I ran over. He pulse was still going. I inhaled deeply. He stomach was bruised as well.

I called a unit to pick up the Artemis. I gently picked her up. One arm was folded on her stomach the other hanging towards the ground. I carried her to the Lancelot and got in. I closed the hatch with her in my lamp. I placed her head against my shoulder so I could pilot. I started up the Lancelot and raced back to base. Her breath slowed down. And she got paler if that was possible. Hold on Vivian , please stay with me.

A/n 3 updates in one day! I update soon.




Love y'all.

~Cheshire 0206

A new knight.(ended..for new version see From a different world) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang