Destiny (Neji x Reader)

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Man, today had been a long day. Training first thing in the morning, as was usual; some grocery shopping and then commission research later in the afternoon had made for a particularly busy day. The training had been brutal, as you had sparred with your entire team this time rather than one on one as was typical; they no longer felt the need to hold back when they trained with you, even though you were the smallest of the ranks. You were certainly not someone they considered to be the most delicate anymore however, that was for damn sure. Then of course the shopping had been droll, to say the very least—but you had always disliked shopping anyways.

The research?

Dear god you never wanted to see those men half naked ever again. Some of them were close friends of yours for crying out loud! If you hadn't been getting paid to do this, there was no way you would have agreed to any of it. And that (f/c)-haired little rascal had better feel very loved at the end of the day after all of the drawings she had offered monetary compensation for!

She may have been your closest friend, but that didn't mean you wanted to see Naruto mostly undressed on the regular, let alone while he was preparing for a shower. The thought of what you had nearly seen made you shudder, and definitely not in anticipation. The kid was like a younger brother to you; seeing him in his nude glory was one of the very last things you wanted or needed, thank you very much.

But, alas. The price you had to pay for money, ironically enough. A small laugh escaped your pursed lips as you thought on how easy it had become to make some little bits of money on the side lately. You had begun taking up drawing commissions when people had seen how well you sketched and detailed and molded ink onto paper. It started as simple drawings, portraits and the like, and as you got older, it somehow transformed into—mostly—pornographic drawings of the Konoha men. Needless to say, most of your commissioners were the young women of Konoha, a lot of them lusting after the shinobi militant forces.

Not that you were always complaining. You needed to work on your male figures as it was (in more ways than one, you mused), and a live subject was the best way to do it. The fact that you got to watch them (or in some cases, spy on them) while they were training and playing around in the water? Well, call it an added bonus. A workplace hazard. Whatever sounded nicer at the time or was less likely to get you into trouble. It ran its risks. And a lot of the time the eye-candy was well worth the hazardous effort.

For the most part, life had seen you running around, dodging behind bushes and scribbling when no one was looking. Most of the shots people wanted could be more or less easily attained by watching them while they were training or by following them to one of the bath houses. Creepy things like hiding in their rooms and waiting for them to retire for the night also worked, although that was much more dangerous, for obvious reasons.

Not that you didn't enjoy being able to ogle the Konoha nin at your own leisure; you were just typically too busy trying not to get caught to enjoy the view overmuch. The end result was what ultimately mattered, and you had to work towards that goal and that goal only. You didn't have the ability to sit back and watch languorously as someone stripped out of their shirt; you had to be scribbling and running away at the first sign of trouble. It was easy most of the time; really!

Except, this one wasn't going to go as smoothly as you'd wanted it to; that much you already knew. You had been commissioned for a certain Jonin's portrait. His being Jonin level did not bother you, as you yourself had already reached and surpassed many of the original Rookies you had trained with those years ago. If speed was of question, you would be able to match his moves. You had trained under Gai Sensei in order to master Taijutsu more completely, after all. Though you very much doubted you could defeat him in a show of raw power, you also did not think that he would be cruel enough to use said power against you.

But those eyes of his could still see much more than you were comfortable admitting. And the last thing you needed was for him to catch you whilst you were spying on him.

Dropping into a low crouch behind a partition, you looked around warily for the ebony haired man at the thought. You knew he was bound to be somewhere around the compound; it was after training hours for his cell and he was not out and about with the others this night. You ought to know, as you had been training directly with the group for nearly three years now.

A sudden clattering on the opposite side of the room caught your attention. (E/c) orbs snapped to the far wall, watching through the thick cloth crafting the partition as a shadow entered the room through the open door. It stepped silently into the room before just as quietly turning and sliding the rice paper door behind it. You could only assume it was Neji; the silhouette seemed to have his hair and his grace.

Carefully, you pulled your small sketch pad out from your back pocket to jot down some quick doodles so you could be out of there as soon as possible. The last thing you wanted was for the Hyuuga to catch you spying on him. You just needed to get the finer details of his face, the soft flow of his hair, the elegant glide of his feet across the floor—

Suddenly, the partition was ripped back from where you hid and you gasped in horror at the sight of no one other than Neji standing in front of you, expression narrowed in distaste, jaw rigid as his spine—and completely in the nude.

"N-Neji!" you gracelessly squawked, stumbling backwards and falling onto your ass. You had but a moment to wince and hitch your breath at the sudden explosion of pain near your tailbone before Neji advanced a step toward you, expression black. Quick to negate any suspicions the older man would rightfully have, you put your hands up defensively and stammered, "It's not what it looks like!"

The lavender eyed man was quick to silence you with a swift hand over your mouth, lips pursed in a thin line. "Oh it's not, is it?" His voice was cold and calculating as he roughly pinned you against the wall directly behind you. All it took was for him to shove one hand against your breastbone while the other remained on your lips to keep you pinned where you were, effortlessly.

Your face exploded into a hot blush as you felt the naked man's form push against your own; the tightly carved planes of his abdominal muscles stood rigidly against the soft flesh of your belly. You craned your neck out of the way as the hand covering your mouth slowly slid down toward it, a sultry smirk pulsing to life upon his pale lips. "(Y/n)."

"Y-Yes?" you stuttered, eyes wide and unknowing. You could feel yourself trembling in fear and anticipation as you tried to keep the quaver from your voice.

Neji leaned in close to your sensitive ear, voice dropping a sultry octave, smirking lips grazing the studs of the piercings there; "Let me make love to you."

You felt like your eyes were going to pop clean out of your skull. "What!?" you demanded, voiced hitching comically.

"Just take it baby," the Hyuuga growled with a feral grin. He pulled his head back to look you dead in the eye before his hands pinned you shoulders roughly against the wall once more. "It's your destiny!"

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