Chapter 28

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A piece of the past...

College was good to her. As a matter of fact, things went well from the moment she left home.

Though she may have had more responsibilities than her friends, she was not against it. She liked helping the sisters when they needed help. She joined their activities, those that she was allowed to participate it. They had also taken her to different places around the country whenever they had to do some work. At school, her friends were her family. At home, she had more than that. She had the sisters and she had God.

College may have been good, but it was also challenging. There were papers to finish, projects and exams to pass, activities to attend and friends who were fun but distracting at the same time.

Lee, Miguel and Troy were one of those friends. They had been a constant itch in Dannie, George and Jackie's lives. But they were the kind of nuisance that the girls welcomed and even missed sometimes. The girls did some of their papers for them and though they all took different courses, they would often find ways to be able to get together.

Dannie found herself enjoying some of the things college life had offered as well. She went to bars and clubs with her friends. She had had her first beer with them.

Sometimes, she would find herself being alone with Troy. He would always insist to take her home because no one else would dare answer the sisters' questions why she did not go home as promised. And in those times that they were alone, their bantering would lessen. They would revert to a different kind of relationship that they never showed their friends whenever they were together with them. It was as if they kept that healthy side of their friendship from everyone in a mutual way. And it was during those moments that she was alone with them that she could get a glimpse of who Troy Brady really was without the goofy boy façade. It was during those moments as well that she would find herself seeing him as a man, not as a friend. And it was during those times that she would consider that maybe, just maybe, she would like someone like him in her life to stay for good.

But then reality would always strike back. No man would want her after they learned of her past.

So Troy Brady stayed as her friend for a very long time. Nothing more, nothing less.


We drove the couple to their hotel. I was not really used to being a bridal car, since it was my first time, but I was pretty certain it was unusual to have your two best friends drive you and your husband to your hotel after the wedding.

Though no one questioned the situation, I knew everyone else was thinking the same thing except the bride and groom who seemed oblivious of the situation.

Jackie girl drove me while Dannie baby rode shotgun. She had been very silent since we left The Ruins and I didn't really think much about it. Maybe the wedding gave her some things to ponder as a wedding always would to those who attended one.

"You know, I just realized that we did not throw the bouquet," Georgie said when they finally managed to climb out of me.

"And the garter," Jordan added, yawning as he said so.

"Well, I know who I'd like to give it to," Georgie said, smiling at Jackie.

Jackie girl beamed widely as she held out her hand to receive the bouquet from Georgie. "Don't worry, I'll tell Dean I caught it because Dannie wouldn't. Should I also give him the garter?" she asked Jordan.

The guy laughed and fished for the garter from his pocket and threw it toward Dannie baby. She gaped at him wide eyed. "What would I do with this?"

Toto and the Boys III: DannieKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat