Chapter 27

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A piece of the past...

As their graduation day neared, everyone at school was aware that Dannie had been adopted by the sisters. She didn't want to burden Jackie's parents though they offered to keep her. She didn't have any relatives to go to. So when the sisters offered their doors to her, she accepted.

What circulated around was that her parents were imprisoned for drugs and abuse. None knew other than Jackie and George about the real story.

Dannie managed to continue on with her scholarship for college and right after graduation she made plans for her future. She promised she'd try her best to recover from everything that happened to her. She vowed to forget everything except Tessa.

Her sister will always be a part of her life wherever she might be now. Every night, she prayed that her sister was well and happy. Living under the same sky was enough reassurance for Dannie.


Things started to move fast three days before the wedding.

The bride and groom were rushed by Troy to different locations of their childhood to have their pre-nuptial shoot.

Dannie baby also became too busy to even think about what she'd do after the wedding. She'd have to go back to the convent soon and the question that ran at the back of everybody's mind, including my metallic one, was: WILL SHE GO BACK?

No one dared talk about it. No one really had the time.

I was even busy getting pampered as well to even really and deeply think about it. The men, after what they did to me, tried their best to make up.

Like I will ever forgive you! I shouted at them when they all looked at me with their hands on their waists. They planned on taking me to a professional car wash but their faces told me that they would rather drive me back to the farm and leave me there to rust.

One hour later, we were buddies again. They took me to this AMAZING place where I got a proper shower, experienced the smoothest sponge, got waxed and wiped squeaky clean. And oh, yes, of course I was vacuumed until all remnants of any human dead skin cells were gone.

Did I tell you guys how much I love you? You all deserve my boys! I howled at the top of my engine, wishing Dean, Jordan and Troy could hear me.

They did not talk about Troy and Dannie either. They just talked about married life and their plans for the future, especially the groom who seemed eager to start a family.

Please, I am not ready to deal with kids yet. My poor leather seats! They would be full of baby vomit! And let's not talk about the tiny shoeprints! And how UN-cool would I look like to have a baby seat at the backseat? No vic would throw me a second glance!

After a bottle of beer each, they delivered me back to the apartment as PROMISED. The groom had to go home early because their families insisted that he had to NOT see the bride before the wedding.

My boys then took me to the usual spot, the abandoned and unfinished mall, before we went to the hotel where they would stay before the wedding.

"The day after tomorrow is going to be a big change," Jackie girl said her voice mournful and excited at the same time.

"It's not going to be the same, I guess," Dannie baby whispered against the wind.

"It's not like we are all going away, you know," Georgie contradicted. "It's just like when Dannie went away for a year to the convent. And those months when you went on a vacation after the Brian incident," she said to Jackie.

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