The play

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Katies pov

Halie drags Patrick and i to her school and i sit down while she goes to her other classmates getting ready. We wait for 30 mins until the lights dimmed down and music started to play. We watch the play for 2 hours then they finally ended with halie stepping up and stared singing,'Love story'. We hop in the car and she starts to sing a lullaby. I look in the mirror and she looks up at me.

"Sissy there was a man looking for you" i cock an eyebrow and look at her,"Who?" She pets her doll humming,"He wouldn't tell me his name,but he said he looked forward to tonight"

We get a little bit swervy on the road,"And he said he loved it when you  said his name" the car comes to a stop and patrick steps out of the car slamming the door.

Halie gets scared and starts to sob,i try calming her down until Patrick comes back. He nters sittig down and putting on his seatbelt.  I punch his arm and he grabs my wrist,"Why the heck did you do that for!?"

He just stares at me like im an idiot. I slap him,"Quit looking at me like im some kind of idiot da-" my words get cut off by him crashing his lips to mine. I feel a spark up and down my spine an electricity spark. He starts to unbuckle my seat belt but i slap him once more,grabbing halie and run with her in my arms.

We get to my house and i lock the front door snd back door.  I give halie a bath then tuck her in bed. She looks me in the eyes,"Kay kay,the man is back" i freeze looking at her til i feel hands on my hips. I take one last breath before i get pinned to the wall.

I look up and see a boy with eyes like mine,black hair that's pinned perfectly up,one ear pierced,looking me in the eyes. "W-who are you?" He smirks kissing my chin then looks at my eyes," my name is cameron lavënche  and i seek beautiful young girls that do anything to protect their loved ones" i see a pair of scissors.

He takes my hand and puts one arm around my waist,"My dear,we can't make progress unless you ditch that boy toy of yours" i grab the pair of scissors getting him in the leg. "AAAH!"

I grab halies hand running to my room but i soon trip cause stupif cameron decided to grab my leg!!"Run halie!and lock my door" she runs and lock my little girl. I kick cameron but he gets on top pinning me down. "Thought you could get away with it huh katie?" I squirm to get out but he keeps me pinned down.

He takes a pocket knife out of his pocket and goes to the top of my shirt. I start to panick over and over,"Please don't  do this!!" He licks his lips smirking then starts to cut makin his way down to the end. I close my eyes and sob til i feel cool air swarm my stomach and i see Patrick lifting the guy up and doig something with him.

I couldn't  see cause for one...i fainted...

      Thanka for reading that's  all,please comment,vote,follow bye!-Jb

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