The End (Explanation)

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So this is odd for me to be writing as the poet and not in the form of a poem but before ending this poetry series I felt the need to explain why I wrote it.

The Depression Girl was an idea I got when I was beginning to truly recover from my depression. Initially, my reasoning for writing these poems was to get the memory of my depression and all the negative thoughts out of my head. This then led me to remember how alone I felt when I was depressed, I didn't exactly care how I felt because I loathed myself, but I also thought that no one would understand how I was feeling.

I also felt hopeless because, in my head, my friends had giving up on being around me and that's why they didn't care to at least attempt to help me out a bit, but over time I learned it was not because they chose not to care but that they didn't know how...

And this is why I wrote The Depression Girl. I think if you have depression and/or anxiety then you should definitely consider getting help from a therapist or any other person in a similar job role, but i do think it's important for friends to understand how they are feeling, so I thought I would share the poems I wrote so it would at least give people a chance to understand, because people aren't mind readers. In fact some are completely oblivious, but what can you do?

But also I wrote this to spread awareness and to also help other people who may be depressed to not feel so alone, you're not. For one, i'm here for you and i'm a stranger! Imagine how many of your loved ones are there for you too? Just let them know. If you're reading this and you know someone who you think may be or know is depressed or suffer from anxiety then feel free to send this to them, you never know, it could do some good for them, and you.

Anyways, thanks to everyone who read this, voted and commented, I appreciate it! Please vote, share, comment etc I would love to hear your interpretations on my poems and I hope some of you may be able to relate to them. Thanks!

Chi x

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