"Not a worry, sweetie." She said in my ear. "Thank you for making my Harry happy."

I didn't know how to reply, so I gave her a squeeze and stepped back. As I looked at her, I realised that she was the mother I never had. She was kind and caring and she loved me like a son. And I loved her like a mom.

"Thank you for having us." I repeated. "I've never felt more at home."

"Oh honey," She chuckled. "This will always be your home."

I blushed a little and smiled again, before Des stepped forward and shook my hand, thanking me for my stay as well.

And then I saw Harry with Gemma and Darcie, and stepped towards them, smiling at the scene.

Harry had the baby girl on his hip and she was playing with his hair as Harry said goodbye to Gemma.

"Lou!" Darcie called out to me, making grabby hands as she squirmed in Harry's arms.

Both of the siblings turned and looked at me as I grinned and made faces at her, letting her hold my fingers as she laughed.

"Louis." Gemma put a hand on my shoulder, spinning me around so she could hug me. "It was great seeing you again."

"You too," I answered, hugging her back before we stepped apart. "Thank you for having us here."

"Thanks for dating this dork." She laughed, pointing at Harry who pouted.

"M'not a dork." He mumbled, and I laughed, leaning into his side as he wrapped an arm around me.

Darcie poked my cheek, so I ruffled her hair, making her giggle as she tried to fight me off.

"Well," Harry sighed as he adjusted the girl on his hip. "We should probably head off."

Then, Harry handed the little girl back to her mother as we picked up our bags. Anne and Des picked up a few too and helped carry them to the car as we headed outside.

"Thank you." I said to Anne as we heaved Harry's suitcase into the trunk. Harry and Des were around the corner, putting something in the backseat while Anne and I could talk.

"No problem, love." She said, kissing my cheek. "Now, you be good. Behave, no more break-ups please. You love eachother, okay?"

"Okay." I laughed as I hugged her one last time. "Goodbye, Anne."

"I'll see you soon, Louis." She replied. "Maybe it'll be your wedding next time."

As soon as she said it I froze. Harry came up behind me and put his hands on my hips, but I couldn't respond.

The only thing running through my head was: your wedding.

"Ha ha mum." Harry said sarcastically. "Maybe we're already married."

I was internally freaking out. Harry and Anne were talking about something, but I couldn't comprehend. There was no way this was happening. I was not ready to get married. I was barely out of the closet. Even if it was a joke, or passing comment, it thoroughly shook me up.


I heard Harry say my name, and realised Anne and Des had gone inside, so we moved inside the car, still in a daze.

"Lou?" Harry said my name again, keeping my hand in his, stroking it with his thumb. "You okay?"

Somehow, I nodded, but I didn't convince him.

"Louis?" he said again, tipping my head so I was looking into his worried eyes. "You can tell me."

"M'fine." I whispered with a timid smile, trying my best to mask my nerves.

"You sure?" He asked me, and I nodded, leaning forward to lightly peck his lips before I rested my head on his shoulder.

I let out a long sigh as Harry's hand found my hair and he played with it, calming me a little bit, but it was hard considering my anxiety was spiking.

I gulped and tried to take long, steady breaths throughout the car ride, not wanting to freak Harry out, yet again.

Marriage was a terrifying concept to me, and I couldn't help it.

"Yeah." I answered, and I felt him kiss my hair, so I smiled.

And it was true. No matter how messed up I was feeling, I would always be okay as long as I had Harry by my side.

It just might take a little while for me to be completely okay.




short, i know, i'm sorry



Louis' freaking out about marriage?

guys... I have some sad news. The next chapter, is the LAST chapter. for reals... :'(

vote/comment please my loves! x

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